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How well are we measuring snow Post-SPICE?
Título : How well are we measuring snow Post-SPICE?
Autor : Kochendorfer, JohnEarle, Michael E.Rasmussen, RoySmith, Craig D.Yang, DaqingMorin, SamuelMekis, EvaBuisán Sanz, Samuel Tomás ORCID RESEARCHERID SCOPUSID Autor AEMETRoulet, Yves-AlainLandolt, ScottWolff, MareileHoover, JefferyThériault, Julie M.Lee, GyuwonBaker, BruceNitu, RodicaLanza, LucaColli, MatteoMeyers, Tilden
Palabras clave : Precipitation; Snowfall; Freezing precipitation; Instrumentation; Hydrology; Measurements
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Editor: American Meteorological Society
Citación : Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2022, 103(2), p. E370–E388
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0228.1
Resumen : Accurate snowfall measurements are necessary for meteorology, hydrology, and climate research. Typical uses include creating and calibrating gridded precipitation products, the verification of model simulations, driving hydrologic models, input into aircraft deicing processes, and estimating streamflow runoff in the spring. These applications are significantly impacted by errors in solid precipitation measurements. The recent WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (SPICE) attempted to characterize and reduce some of the measurement uncertain-ties through an international effort involving 15 countries utilizing over 20 types and models of precipitation gauges from various manufacturers. Key results from WMO-SPICE are presented herein. Recent work and future research opportunities that build on the results of WMO-SPICE are also highlighted.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/13656
ISSN : 1520-0477
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2019-2022

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