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Comparison of the WRF and HARMONIE models ability for mountain wave warnings
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dc.contributor.authorDíaz Fernández, Javieres_ES
dc.contributor.authorBolgiani, Pedroes_ES
dc.contributor.authorSantos Muñoz, Danieles_ES
dc.contributor.authorQuitián Hernández, Laraes_ES
dc.contributor.authorSastre, Marianoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorValero, Franciscoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorFarrán Martín, José Ignacioes_ES
dc.contributor.authorGonzález-Alemán, Juan Jesúses_ES
dc.contributor.authorMartín, María Luisaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationAtmospheric Research. 2022, 265, 105890es_ES
dc.description.abstractMountain lee waves usually involve aircraft icing and turbulence events. These weather phenomena, in turn, are a threat to aviation safety. For this reason, mountain lee waves are an interesting subject of study for the scientific community. This paper analyses several mountain lee waves events in the south-east of the Guadarrama mountain range, near the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport (Spain), using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and the HARMONIE-AROME high-resolution numerical models. For this work, simulated brightness temperature from the optimum WRF parametrization schemes and from the HARMONIE are validated using satellite observations to evaluate the performance of the models in reproducing the lenticular clouds associated to mountain lee waves. The brightness temperature probability density shows interesting differences between both models. Following, a mountain wave characterization is performed simulating some atmospheric variables (wind direction, wind speed, atmospheric stability, liquid water content and temperature) in several grid points located in the leeward, windward and over the summit of the mountains. The characterization results are compared for both numerical models and a decision tree is developed for each to forecast and warn the mountain lee waves, lenticular clouds and icing events with a 24 to 48 h lead time. These warnings are validated using several skill scores, revealing similar results for both models.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was partially supported by research projects: PID2019- 105306RB-I00, CGL2016-78702-C2-1-R and CGL2016-78702-C2-2-R (SAFEFLIGHT project), FEI-EU-17-16 and SPESMART AND SPESVALE (ECMWF Special Projects). J. Díaz-Fernández acknowledges the grant supported from the MINECO-FPI program (BES-2017).es_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento–NoComercial–SinObraDerivada CC BY-NC-NDes_ES
dc.subjectMountain lee waveses_ES
dc.subjectLenticular cloudses_ES
dc.subjectDecision treees_ES
dc.titleComparison of the WRF and HARMONIE models ability for mountain wave warningses_ES
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2019-2022

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