Número de descargas y vistas en el periodo.

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(eg. 1822/417)

Título : System and performance audit of surface ozone, carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide at the Global GAW Station Izaña, Spain
Fecha de Entrada : 09-06-2020
Descargas y vistasExport
Descargas y vistas por año
Descargas por paises (top 10)
Vistas por paises (top 10)
Descargas por paísExport
Origen Descargas Porc.(%)
United States United States 9,0 20,00
AEMET AEMET 7,0 15,56
China China 7,0 15,56
Spain Spain 7,0 15,56
Japan Japan 3,0 6,67
Singapore Singapore 2,0 4,44
Iran Iran 2,0 4,44
South Africa South Africa 1,0 2,22
Germany Germany 1,0 2,22
Switzerland Switzerland 1,0 2,22
United Kingdom United Kingdom 1,0 2,22
Republic of Lithuania Republic of Lithuania 1,0 2,22
Hungary Hungary 1,0 2,22
43,0 95,56
Vistas por paísExport
Origen Vistas Porc.(%)
AEMET AEMET 15 41,67
United States United States 11 30,56
Spain Spain 6 16,67
France France 1 2,78
Canada Canada 1 2,78
Ireland Ireland 1 2,78
35 97,22
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