Presentaciones realizadas en la 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019.
La 3ª Conferencia Europea de Nowcasting se organiza en el marco de EUMETNET (Red de Servicios Meteorológicos Europeos), que incluye el proyecto ASIST, y está dedicada a la predicción inmediata (nowcasting) y a muy corto plazo
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Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 21 al 34 de 34
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
NTSP6_Hering_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Lightning-jumps in convective cells tracked by radar as a nowcasting tool in complex orographyHering, Alessandro; Nisi, Luca; Hamann, Ulrich, ...
NTSP5_Hamann_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Nowcasting of thunderstorm severity with Machine Learning in the Alpine RegionHamann, Ulrich; Zeder, Joel; Beusch, Lea, ...
NTSP4_Schultze_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Development of a probabilistic precipitation-nowcastingapproach at DWDSchultze, Markus; Rempel, M.; Feger, Robert, ...
NTSP3_Valachova_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Convective storm nowcasting capabilities of remote sensing in Central EuropeValachová, Michaela; Benáček, Patrik; Kyznarová, Hana
NTSP2_Ripodas_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019The nowcasting SAF products and services: recent improvements in the new SW packages PPS v2018 and GEO v2018 and future plansRípodas Agudo, Pilar; Calbet, Xavier; Lliso Valverde, Llorenç, ...
SPDA4_Nuottokari_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Seamless nowcasting system development at the Finnish Meteorological InstituteNuottokari, Jaakko; Gregow, Erik; Hohti, Harri, ...
SPDA3_Atencia_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Impact of Bayesian weighting in a probabilistic nowcasting from INCA and C-LAEFAtencia, Aitor; Kann, Alexander; Wang, Yong, ...
SPDA2_Moisselin_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Seamless approach for precipitations within the 0-3 hours forecast-intervalMoisselin, Jean-Marc; Cau, Philippe; Jauffret, Céline, ...
SPDA1_Martinez_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019nowcRadiation seamless-nowcasting solar radiation using satellite and high resolution numerical model outputMartínez Sánchez, Mauricia; Callado Pallarés, Alfons
OBN7_Toporov_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019A new approach for near-real-time monitoring of atmospheric stability, atmospheric water vapor and liquid waterToporov, Maria; Löhnert, Ulrich
OBN6_Bojinski_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019The Meteosat Third Generation satellite mission and its future contribution to nowcastingBojinski, Stephan; Nietosvaara, Vesa; Grandell, Jochen
OBN5_Buisan_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Applications of the WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (WMO-SPICE) results for nowcasting activitiesBuisán Sanz, Samuel Tomás; Smith, Craig D.; Kochendorfer, John, ...
OBN4_Buisan_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Wind gusts registered in Zaragoza Airport associated to supercellular convection on 1st July 2018 and its spatial variabilityBuisán Sanz, Samuel Tomás; Gutiérrez Cobo, Tomás José; San Ambrosio Beirán, José Ismael
OBN3_Fiengo_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019EO-ALERT – Extreme weather scenario: towards convective storm nowcasting via on-board satellite proccesingFiengo, Aniello; Marcos Martín, Cecilia; Bravo, Juan Ignacio, ...
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 21 al 34 de 34
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