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BHC_QOS_2016_v6.pdf.jpg2016A European Brewer Network: web tools for ozone data process and configuration interfaceHernández Cruz, Bentorey; Redondas, Alberto; Rodríguez Valido, Manuel, ...
UV_Aerosol_Optical_Depth_European_Brewer_Network.pdf.jpg2018UV Aerosol Optical Depth in the European Brewer NetworkLópez Solano, Javier; Redondas, Alberto; Carlund, Thomas, ...
GAW-2013-poster-Redondas-RBCCE.pdf.jpg2013Regional Brewer Calibration Centre-Europe (RBCC-E)Redondas, Alberto; Rodríguez Franco, Juan José; Sierra Ramos, Marta, ...
Poster_RDCC-RBCC_AR_001.pdf.jpg2012Regional Calibration Centers for Dobson and Brewer in Europe : a joint venture for highest quality in monitoring the ozone layerKöhler, Ulf; Redondas, Alberto; Kyrö, Esko
AerosolOpticalDepth_EUBREWNET.pdf.jpg2016Aerosol optical depth in the ultraviolet range: a new product in EUBREWNETLópez Solano, Javier; Carlund, Thomas; Hernández Cruz, Bentorey, ...
QOS2012_Stray-light.pdf.jpg2012Correcting Stray Light in Single-monochromator Brewer SpectrophotometersKarppinen, Tomi; Redondas, Alberto; García Cabrera, Rosa Delia, ...
Comparison_Measured_UV.pdf.jpg2010Comparison of measured and modelled UV spectral irradiance at the Izaña Station based on Libradtran and UVA-GOA modelsGarcía Cabrera, Rosa Delia; Cachorro, Victoria E.; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
poster_C_Guirado_2.pdf.jpg2010Optical calibration facility at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center [Póster]Guirado-Fuentes, Carmen; Ramos López, Ramón; Frutos Baraja, Ángel Máximo de, ...
Poster Triada septiembre.pdf.jpg2016Stability of the RBCC-E Triad during the period 2005 - 2015Redondas, Alberto; León-Luis, Sergio Fabián; Carreño Corbella, Virgilio, ...
Poster_UV_septiembre.pdf.jpg2016Preliminar results on the operative cosine correction in EUBREWNETLeón-Luis, Sergio Fabián; Lakkala, Kaisa; Hernández Cruz, Bentorey, ...
Repositorio Arcimis
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