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Lightning probability forecast in Mainland Portugal
Registro completo de metadatos
Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.authorRio, Joaoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCorreia, Sandraes_ES
dc.contributor.authorLopes, Manueles_ES
dc.identifier.citationSexto Simposio Nacional de Predicción, Memorial Antonio Mestre. Madrid: Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, 2019, p. 199-200es_ES
dc.descriptionPonencia presentada en: VI Simposio Nacional de Predicción, celebrado en los servicios centrales de AEMET, en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2018.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe lightning probability forecast at IPMA is obtained using a logistic regression model. Four stability indices, computed from ECMWF forecasts are used as predictors. The probability forecasts are available up to 6 days, in 6 hour periods and are computed only for Mainland Portugal. Thunderstorms are among the weather events that may cause local severe damage and disruption to the power-grid network, telecommunications and air traffic, hence forecasting the areas where lightning may occur is of major importance.es_ES
dc.publisherAgencia Estatal de Meteorologíaes_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento–NoComercial–SinObraDerivada CC BY-NC-NDes_ES
dc.subjectLightning probabilityes_ES
dc.subjectECMWF forecastes_ES
dc.subjectStability indiceses_ES
dc.subjectLogistic regressiones_ES
dc.titleLightning probability forecast in Mainland Portugales_ES
Colecciones: 6º Simposio Nacional de Predicción (2018)

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