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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
Collaut_Atmos_Chem_Phys.pdf.jpg2018Identification of topographic features influencing aerosol observations at high altitude stationsCollaud Coen, Martine; Andrews, Elisabeth; Aliaga, Diego, ...
amt-11-6409-2018.pdf.jpg2018Can turbulence within the field of view cause significant biases in radiative transfer modeling at the 183 GHz band?Calbet, Xavier; Peinado Galan, Niobe; DeSouza-Machado, Sergio, ...
acp-18-16019-2018.pdf.jpg2018UV measurements at Marambio and Ushuaia during 2000–2010Lakkala, Kaisa; Redondas, Alberto; Meinander, Outi, ...
amt-2018-146.pdf.jpg2018Building the COllaborative Carbon Column Observing Network (COCCON): Long term stability and ensemble performance of the EM27/SUN Fourier transform spectrometer [Discussion paper]Frey, Matthias; Sha, Mahesh Kumar; Hase, Frank, ...
amt-11-3759-2018.pdf.jpg2018Wavelength calibration of Brewer spectrophotometer using a tunable pulsed laser and implications to the Brewer ozone retrievalRedondas, Alberto; Nevas, Saulius; Berjón, Alberto, ...
remotesensing-10-00752.pdf.jpg2018Decorrelation of satellite precipitation estimates in space and timeTapiador, Francisco J.; Marcos Martín, Cecilia; Navarro Martínez, Andrés, ...
acp-18-3185-2018.pdf.jpg2018Results from the Fourth WMO Filter Radiometer Comparison for aerosol optical depth measurementsKazadzis, Stelios; Kouremeti, Natalia; Diémoz, Henri, ...
Preprint2018_Montero.pdf.jpg2018Optimisation technique for improving wind downscaling results by estimating roughness parametersMontero García, Gustavo; Rodríguez, Eduardo; Oliver, Albert, ...
acp-18-10347-2018.pdf.jpg2018EuBrewNet – A European Brewer network (COST Action ES1207), an overviewRimmer, John; Redondas, Alberto; Karppinen, Tomi
hess-22-1437-2018.pdf.jpg2018Testing and development of transfer functions for weighing precipitation gauges in WMO-SPICEKochendorfer, John; Nitu, Rodica; Wolff, Mareile, ...
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