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Rainfall characteristics in León in 2016 and 2017
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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.authorBlanco Alegre, Carlos deles_ES
dc.contributor.authorOduber, Fernandaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCalvo, Ana Isabeles_ES
dc.contributor.authorCastro, Amayaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorSainz-Villegas, Samueles_ES
dc.contributor.authorMartínez-Fernández, Adriánes_ES
dc.contributor.authorFraile Laiz, Robertoes_ES
dc.identifier.citationXXXV Jornadas Científicas de la Asociación Meteorológica Española (2018)es_ES
dc.identifier.otherNIPO: 639-18-003-0-
dc.descriptionPonencia presentada en: XXXV Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en León, del 5 al 7 de marzo de 2018.es_ES
dc.description.abstractNowadays, air pollution is one of the principal risk to human health and rain is the main sink of aerosol particles in the atmosphere, since it is the main process to mitigate pollution. Furthermore, the study of rainfall characteristics is crucial because it can provide information about present and future risks in an area, related to rain amount or intensity. In order to know the characteristics of the precipitation in the city of León, rain was sampled during 2016 and 2017 using a Laser Precipitation Monitor (LPM) of Thies Clima which registered drops between 0.125 and 8 mm in 22 channels. Furthermore, a Circulation Weather Types (CWTs) classification was carried out based on Lamb (1972), to identify the weather type related to a peculiar synoptic situation in days with rain. Focusing on rain characteristics in the city of León, 3.23·109 drops m-2 have fallen in 2016 with a mean size of 0.36±0.20 mm and 1.06·109 drops m-2 in 2017 with a mean size of 0.35±0.19 mm. The rain characteristic according to Lamb Weather Types during rain events will be analyzed.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant TEC2014-57821-R), the University of Leon (Programa Propio 2015/00054/001) and the AERORAIN project (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant CGL2014-52556-R, ERDF co-financed).es_ES
dc.publisherAsociación Meteorológica Españolaes_ES
dc.publisherAgencia Estatal de Meteorologíaes_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento–NoComercial–SinObraDerivada CC BY-NC-NDes_ES
dc.subjectAir pollutiones_ES
dc.subjectHuman healthes_ES
dc.subjectAerosol particlees_ES
dc.titleRainfall characteristics in León in 2016 and 2017es_ES
Colecciones: 35ª Jornadas Científicas de la AME (2018)

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