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Validation Report for “Convective Rainfall Rate” (CRR-PGE05 v4.0)
Título : Validation Report for “Convective Rainfall Rate” (CRR-PGE05 v4.0)
Autor : Marcos Martín, Cecilia ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETRodríguez Martínez, Antonio
Palabras clave : Satélites meteorológicos; Predicción inmediata; Precipitación convectiva
Fecha de publicación : jul-2013
Editor: Agencia Estatal de Meteorología
Resumen : The purpose of this document is to present the Scientific Validation Results for the version 4.0 of the PGE05 (Convective Rainfall Rate product belonging to the SAFNWC/MSG software). The main change of version 4.0 with respect to version 3.1.1 is that calibration matrices have been substituted by analytical functions although the physical base of the algorithm remains the same. Also, a tuning of the calibration analytical functions has been done against radar data.This document describes the validation methodology and the results obtained in order to test the CRR product value. Two different validation processes have been carried out: Convective Rainfall Rate product is thought to be used by forecasters. Results of an objective extended validation using 78 days with convective events occurred along the year 2008 over Spain are presented here.
Descripción : SAF/NWC/CDOP2/INM/SCI/VR/12, Issue 1, Rev. 0
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/1283
Colecciones: AEMET - Manuales técnicos

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