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Comparison of GOME-2/MetOp total ozone data with Brewer spectroradiometer data over the Iberian Peninsula
Título : Comparison of GOME-2/MetOp total ozone data with Brewer spectroradiometer data over the Iberian Peninsula
Autor : Antón, ManuelLoyola, DiegoLópez Bartolomé, MaríaAutor AEMETVilaplana Guerrero, José ManuelBañón García, ManuelAutor AEMETZimmer, WalterSerrano Pérez, Antonio
Palabras clave : Total ozone data; Brewer spectroradiometers; Espectrofotómetros Brewer; Ozono; GOME-2/MetOp
Fecha de publicación : 2009
Editor: European Geosciences Union
Citación : Annales Geophysicae. 2009, 27(4), p. 1377-1386
Versión del editor: https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/angeo-27-1377-2009
Resumen : The main objective of this article is to compare the total ozone data from the new Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment instrument (GOME-2/MetOp) with reliable ground-based measurement recorded by five Brewer spectroradiometers in the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, a similar comparison for the predecessor instrument GOME/ERS-2 is described. The period of study is a whole year from May 2007 to April 2008. The results show that GOME-2/MetOp ozone data already has a very good quality, total ozone columns are on average 3.05% lower than Brewer measurements. This underestimation is higher than that obtained for GOME/ERS-2 (1.46%). However, the relative differences between GOME-2/MetOp and Brewer measurements show significantly lower variability than the differences between GOME/ERS-2 and Brewer data. Dependencies of these relative differences with respect to the satellite solar zenith angle (SZA), the satellite scan angle, the satellite cloud cover fraction (CF), and the ground-based total ozone measurements are analyzed. For both GOME instruments, differences show no significant dependence on SZA. However, GOME-2/MetOp data show a significant dependence on the satellite scan angle (+1.5%). In addition, GOME/ERS-2 differences present a clear dependence with respect to the CF and ground-based total ozone; such differences are minimized for GOME-2/MetOp. The comparison between the daily total ozone values provided by both GOME instruments shows that GOME-2/MetOp ozone data are on average 1.46% lower than GOME/ERS-2 data without any seasonal dependence. Finally, deviations of a priori climatological ozone profile used by the satellite retrieval algorithm from the true ozone profile are analyzed. Although excellent agreement between a priori climatological and measured partial ozone values is found for the middle and high stratosphere, relative differences greater than 15% are common for the troposphere and lower stratosphere.
Patrocinador: This work was partially supported by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia under project CGL2005-05693-C03-03/CLI and by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under project CGL2008-05939-C03-02/CLI.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/1294
ISSN : 0992-7689
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2005-2009

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