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Validation Report for “High Resolution Winds” (HRW – PGE09 v4.0)
Título : Validation Report for “High Resolution Winds” (HRW – PGE09 v4.0)
Autor : García Pereda, JavierAutor AEMET
Palabras clave : Satélites meteorológicos; Predicción inmediata; Viento; Vector atmosférico de movimiento
Fecha de publicación : jul-2013
Editor: Agencia Estatal de Meteorología
Resumen : The purpose of this document is to present the Scientific Validation Results for version v4.0 of the HRW product (“High Resolution Winds”, belonging to SAFNWC/MSG software version 2013). This validation has been based on the comparison of the HRW Atmospheric Motion Vectors with winds obtained from Radiosounding bulletins available from the GTS. The statistical indicators established in the “Report from the Working Group on Verification Statistics of the 3rd International Winds Workshop” [RD.12], with some amendments in the “Report from the Working Group on Verification & Quality Indices of the 4th International Winds Workshop” [RD.15]), are calculated to achieve this. These indicators have been thoroughly used throughout the world for the Validation of Satellite winds through the comparison with Radiosoundings.
Descripción : SAF/NWC/CDOP2/INM/SCI/VR/13, Issue 1, Rev. 0
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/1306
Colecciones: AEMET - Manuales técnicos

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