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2014 AMV intercomparison study report (comparison of NWC SAF/HRW AMVswith AMVs from other producers)
Título : 2014 AMV intercomparison study report (comparison of NWC SAF/HRW AMVswith AMVs from other producers)
Autor : Santek, DavidGarcía Pereda, JavierAutor AEMETVelden, ChrisWanzong, SteveStettner, DaveMindock, Max
Palabras clave : Vector atmosférico de movimiento; Satélites meteorológicos; Viento; Predicción inmediata
Fecha de publicación : jul-2014
Resumen : Previous Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) intercomparison studies, conducted from 2007 to 2009, compared the operational AMV algorithms of various satellite-derived wind producers using a common set of MSG/SEVIRI images and ancillary data. The studies assessed how the cloudy AMVs from the unique wind producers compared in terms of coverage, speed, direction, and cloud height (Genkova et al. 2008; Genkova et al. 2010). The goal of this new study is to: · Include the NWC SAF/HRW algorithm in the intercomparison study in order to quantify its performance relative to the other AMV algorithms. · Update the results of the previous AMV intercomparison studies because many of the operational AMV algorithms have changed since the last study. · Perform follow up studies as identified in the previous intercomparison work, such as considering specific characteristics of the input data and AMV
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/1313
Colecciones: AEMET - Manuales técnicos

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