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Aplicación de una modelización Lagrangiana a la contaminación atmosférica transfronteriza
Título : Aplicación de una modelización Lagrangiana a la contaminación atmosférica transfronteriza
Autor : Rúa, AntonioHernández Martín, E.Gimeno, LuisAutor AEMET
Palabras clave : Contaminación atmosférica; Modelización; Contaminantes; Masas de aire
Fecha de publicación : 1998
Editor: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Citación : Atmósfera. 1998, 11(2), p. 75-94
Resumen : In this article a physical modelization of the atmospheric pollution was considered. The objective was to determine the concentrations of pollutants in a receptor station reproducing the way followed by the air mass and simulating the physical and chemical processes involved during this way. To do that we used a Lagrangian model. To estimate the quality of the model a comparision betweeen the theoretical concentration from the model and the observed concentrations is done. the model uses the air mass trajectories arriving at the receptor station calculated from the Limited Area Model (LAM). These trajectories let us know the air mass position each 6 hours. once the initial moedl had been run, several parameters were modified with the aim of reproducing letter the conditions of The Iberian Peninsula. The considered pollutans wer the SO2 and SO42-and the chosen station was Logroño (Spain).
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/14260
ISSN : 2395-8812
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 1995-1999

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