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Ceres Scales Ground Validation Campaigns for Gerb. Assessment of the Valencia Anchor Station Capabilities
Title: Ceres Scales Ground Validation Campaigns for Gerb. Assessment of the Valencia Anchor Station Capabilities
Authors: López Baeza, ErnestoVelázquez Blázquez, AlmudenaAlonso, SusanaAutor AEMETDewitte, StephenDíaz Pabón, C.Autor AEMETDomenech García, CarlosHarries, John EdwardJorge, JoanLabajo, A.Autor AEMETPineda, NicolauPino, D.Rius, AntonioRussell, J. E.Smith, G. LouisSzewczyk, Z. PeterTarruella, RamónTorrobella, J.
Keywords: CERES; Remote sensing products; Satellite data
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: European Space Agency
Citation: Proceedings of the 3rd MSG RAO Workshop. 2006, p. 1-7
Abstract: The Valencia Anchor Station (VAS) was set up by the University of Valencia at the natural region of UtielRequena Plateau in 2001. The plateau is a large and reasonably homogeneous area suitable for validation of low spatial resolution satellite data and products such as GERB's. In the framework of the EUMETSAT/ESA MSG-RAO Project no. 138 GIST Proposal for Calibration/Validation of SEVIRI and GERB, and of the Spanish Research Programme on Space Project SCALES (SEVIRI & GERB Cal/Val Area for Largescale Field ExperimentS), three GERB ground validation campaigns have so far been carried out at the VAS under different land surface conditions. CERES instruments onboard NASA EOS Aqua and Terra satellites, operating in PAPS (Programmable Azimuth Plane Scanning) mode, have generously provided additional SW and LW radiance measurements to support validation efforts. These have shown to be most valuable as intermediate validation step between ground measurements and the large GERB pixel size.
Description: Proceedings del 3rd MSG RAO Workshop, celebrado el 15 de junio de 2006 en Helsinki, Finlandia.
Appears in Collections:Otras presentaciones-congresos

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