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Towards nowcasting in Europe in 2030
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dc.contributor.authorBojinski, Stephanes_ES
dc.contributor.authorBlaauboer, Dickes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCalbet, Xavieres_ES
dc.contributor.authorDe Coning, Estellees_ES
dc.contributor.authorDebie, Franses_ES
dc.contributor.authorMontmerle, Thibautes_ES
dc.contributor.authorNietosvaara, Vesaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorNorman, Katiees_ES
dc.contributor.authorBañón Peregrín, Luis María-
dc.contributor.authorSchmid, Franziskaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorStrelec Mahovic, Natasaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorWapler, Kathrines_ES
dc.identifier.citationMeteorological Applications. 2023, 30(4), e2124es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe increasing impact of severe weather over Europe on lives and weathersensitive economies can be mitigated by accurate 0–6 h forecasts (nowcasts), supporting a vital ‘last line of defence’ for civil protection and many other applications. Recognizing lack of skill in some complex situations, often at convective and local sub-kilometre scales and associated with rare events, we identify seven recommendations with the aim to improve nowcasting in Europe by the national meteorological and hydrological services (NMHSs) by 2030. These recommendations are based on a review of user needs, the state of the observing system, techniques based on observations and high-resolution numerical weather models, as well as tools, data and infrastructure supporting the nowcasting community in Europe. Denser and more accurate observations are necessary particularly in the boundary layer to better characterize the ingredients of severe storms. A key driver for improvement is next-generation European satellite data becoming available as of 2023. Seamless ensemble prediction methods to produce enhanced weather forecasts with 0–24 h lead times and probabilistic products require further development. Such products need to be understood and interpreted by skilled forecasters operating in an evolving forecasting context.es_ES
dc.publisherWiley Open Accesses_ES
dc.publisherRoyal Meteorological Societyes_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento-NoComercial CC BY-NCes_ES
dc.subjectEuropean Weather Cloudes_ES
dc.subjectHigh-resolution NWPes_ES
dc.subjectMeteosat Third Generationes_ES
dc.subjectProbabilistic forecastses_ES
dc.subjectSeamless predictiones_ES
dc.titleTowards nowcasting in Europe in 2030es_ES
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2023-2026

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