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Design and evaluation of a portable frequency comb-referenced laser heterodyne radiometer
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dc.contributor.authorMoreno-Oyervides, Aldoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorBonilla Manrique, Óscar Elíases_ES
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Rodríguez, Omaira Elenaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorMartín Mateos, Pedroes_ES
dc.identifier.citationOptics and Lasers in Engineering. 2023, 171, 107801es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we present the design of a laser heterodyne radiometry instrument that combines, for the first time, frequency comb calibration and a remarkably high level of portability. A design that can, therefore, be more than capable of addressing the current need for accurate ground-based greenhouse gases monitoring in urban areas and other emission hot spots. Indeed, the compact, battery-powered system allows the acquisition of atmospheric spectral characterizations, at any location, without restrictions. As its most prominent feature, the system is equipped with an electro-optic frequency comb reference that provides a set of calibration ticks from which an accurate characterization of the absorption line shape can be obtained. Besides this, the spectrometer has been designed to promptly switch between traditional operation and wavelength modulation, so the performance of future inversion models may benefit greatly by this complementary data. The system has been tested in different locations in the Madrid region (Spain), where measurements have been carried out under a wide variety of conditions. Here, a set of highly representative results is presented clearly illustrating the capabilities of the developed system.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis project has received funding from the EU H2020 Consumerdriven demands to reframe farming systems project under Grant Agreement 101000216, and from the Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciÓn under Grant Project TED2021-131695B-100.es_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento-NoComercial CC BY-NCes_ES
dc.subjectLaser heterodyne radiometryes_ES
dc.subjectOptical frequency combes_ES
dc.subjectGreenhouse gaseses_ES
dc.subjectOptical atmospheric soundinges_ES
dc.subjectWavelength-modulation laser heterodyne radiometryes_ES
dc.subjectOptical spectroscopyes_ES
dc.titleDesign and evaluation of a portable frequency comb-referenced laser heterodyne radiometeres_ES
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2023-2026

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