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Optimal Use of Radar Radial Winds in the HARMONIE Numerical Weather Prediction System
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dc.contributor.authorRidal, Martines_ES
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Arriola, Janaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorDahlbom, Matses_ES
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2023, 62(12), 1745–1759es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe use of radial velocity information from the European weather radar network is a challenging task, because of a heterogeneous radar network and the different ways of providing the Doppler velocity information. Preprocessing is therefore needed to harmonize the data. Radar observations consist of a very high resolution dataset, which means that it is both demanding to process as well as that the inherent resolution is much higher than the model resolution. One way of reducing the number of data is to create “super observations” (SO) by averaging observations in a predefined area. This paper describes the preprocessing necessary to use radar radial velocities in the data assimilation where the SO construction is included. Our main focus is to optimize the use of radial velocities in the HARMONIE–AROME numerical weather model. Several experiments were run to find the best settings for first-guess check limits as well as a tuning of the observation error value. The optimal size of the SO and the corresponding thinning distance for radar radial velocities was also studied. It was found that the radial velocity information and the reflectivity from weather radars can be treated differently when it comes to the size of the SO and the thinning. A positive impact was found when adding the velocities together with the reflectivity using the same SO size and thinning distance, but the best results were found when the SO and thinning distance for the radial velocities are smaller than the corresponding values for reflectivityes_ES
dc.publisherAmerican Meteorological Societyes_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento CC BYes_ES
dc.subjectRadar observationses_ES
dc.subjectNumerical weather forecastinges_ES
dc.subjectNumerical weather predictiones_ES
dc.subjectData assimilationes_ES
dc.titleOptimal Use of Radar Radial Winds in the HARMONIE Numerical Weather Prediction Systemes_ES
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2023-2026

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