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OPA45-1-1.pdf.jpg2012Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) activities at Izaña, TenerifeSepúlveda Hernández, Eliezer; Schneider, Matthias; Gómez Peláez, Ángel Jesús, ...
amtd-7-633-2014.pdf.jpg2014Tropospheric CH4 signals as observed by NDACC FTIR at globally distributed sites and comparison to GAW surface in situ measurements [Discussion paper]Sepúlveda Hernández, Eliezer; Schneider, Matthias; Hase, Frank, ...
amtd-5-5357-2012.pdf.jpg2012Ground-based remote sensing of tropospheric water vapour isotopologues within the project MUSICA [Discussion paper]Schneider, Matthias; Barthlott, Sabine; Hase, Frank, ...
amt-5-1425-2012.pdf.jpg2012Long-term validation of tropospheric column-averaged CH4 mole fractions obtained by mid-infrared ground-based FTIR spectrometrySepúlveda Hernández, Eliezer; Schneider, Matthias; Hase, F., ...
amt-5-3007-2012.pdf.jpg2012Ground-based remote sensing of tropospheric water vapour isotopologues within the project MUSICASchneider, Matthias; Barthlott, Sabine; Hase, Frank, ...
1.4804767.pdf.jpg2013CO2 total column amounts at TCCON sites Izana (28.3 N, 16.5 W) and Karlsruhe (49.1 N, 8.5 E)Dohe, Susanne; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda Hernández, Eliezer, ...
ad_6326.pdf.jpg2013Validation of the IASI operational CH4 and N2O products using ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometer: preliminary results at the Izaña Observatory (28ºN, 17ºW)García Rodríguez, Omaira Elena; Schneider, Matthias; Hase, F., ...
amt-7-2337-2014-1.pdf.jpg2014Tropospheric CH4 signals as observed by NDACC FTIR at globally distributed sites and comparison to GAW surface in situ measurementsSepúlveda Hernández, Eliezer; Schneider, Matthias; Hase, Frank, ...
amtd-5-1381-2012.pdf.jpg2012Long-term validation of tropospheric column-averaged CH4 mole fractions obtained by mid-infrared ground-based FTIR spectrometry [Discussion paper]Sepúlveda Hernández, Eliezer; Schneider, Matthias; Hase, Frank, ...
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