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Evaluation of total column water vapour products from satellite observations and reanalyses within the GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment
Título : Evaluation of total column water vapour products from satellite observations and reanalyses within the GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment
Autor : Trent, TimSchröder, MarcHo, Shu-PengBeirle, SteffenBennartz, RalfBorbas, EvaBorger, ChristianBrogniez, HeleneCalbet, Xavier ORCID RESEARCHERID SCOPUSID Autor AEMETCastelli, ElisaCompo, Gilbert P.Ebisuzaki, WesleyFalk, UlrikeFell, FrankForsythe, JohnHersbach, HansKachi, MisakoKobayashi, ShinyaKursinski, Robert E.Loyola, DiegoLuo, ZhengzaoNielsen, Johannes K.Papandrea, EnzoPicon, LaurencePreusker, ReneReale, AnthonyShi, LeiSlivinski, LauraTeixeira, JoaoVonder Haar, TomWagner, Thomas
Palabras clave : Total column water vapour; Satellite observations; GEWEX; Water Vapor Assessment
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Editor: European Geosciences Union; Copernicus Publications
Citación : Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2024, 24(16), p. 9667–9695
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-24-9667-2024
Resumen : Since 2011, the Global Energy and Water cycle Exchanges (GEWEX) Water Vapor Assessment (GVAP) has provided performance analyses for state-of-the-art reanalysis and satellite water vapour products to the GEWEX Data and Analysis Panel (GDAP) and the user community in general. A significant component of the work undertaken by G-VAP is to characterise the quality and uncertainty of these water vapour records to (i) ensure full exploitation and (ii) avoid incorrect use or interpretation of results. This study presents results from the second phase of G-VAP, where we have extended and expanded our analysis of total column water vapour (TCWV) from phase 1, in conjunction with updating the G-VAP archive. For version 2 of the archive, we consider 28 freely available and mature satellite and reanalysis data products, remapped to a regular longitude– latitude grid of 2° × 2° and on monthly time steps between January 1979 and December 2019. We first analysed all records for a “common” short period of 5 years (2005–2009), focusing on variability (spatial and seasonal) and deviation from the ensemble mean. We observed that clear-sky daytime-only satellite products were generally drier than the ensemble mean, and seasonal variability/disparity in several regions up to 12 kg m−2 related to original spatial resolution and temporal sampling.
Patrocinador: This research has been supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (grant no. PR140015) and the European Space Agency (grant no. 4000131292).
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/16180
ISSN : 1680-7316
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2023-2026

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