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The anomalously thundery month of June 1925 in southwest Spain: description and synoptic analysis
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dc.contributor.authorAcero Díaz, Francisco Javieres_ES
dc.contributor.authorAntón, Manueles_ES
dc.contributor.authorPérez Aparicio, Alejandro Jesúses_ES
dc.contributor.authorBravo Paredes, Nieveses_ES
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Carrasco, Víctor Manueles_ES
dc.contributor.authorCruz Gallego, Maríaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorGarcía, José Agustínes_ES
dc.contributor.authorNúñez Corchero, Marcelinoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorTovar, Irenees_ES
dc.contributor.authorVaquero Martínez, Javieres_ES
dc.contributor.authorVaquero Martínez, José Manueles_ES
dc.identifier.citationNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS). 2025, 25(1), 305–320es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn a routine search for meteorological events with a great impact on society in the Extremadura region (southwest interior of the Iberian Peninsula) using newspapers, the month of June 1925 was detected as exceptional due to the large number of thunderstorms associated with significant losses of human lives and material resources. This extraordinary month underwent a detailed examination from various complementary perspectives. Firstly, we reconstructed the history of the events, considering the most impacted locations and the resulting damage. Periodical publications, especially the widely circulated Extremadura newspaper in 1925, were pivotal in this regard. Secondly, we scrutinized monthly meteorological variables (precipitation, temperature, and cloudiness) using the lengthiest-available data series from the Iberian Peninsula. This aimed to underscore the exceptional characteristics of June 1925. Lastly, we analyzed the synoptic situation of the thunderstorm events by employing National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences/Department of Energy (NOAA/CIRES/DOE) 20th Century Reanalysis V3 (20CR) data. This approach allowed us to comprehend, from a synoptic perspective, the exceptional nature of this month. Thereby, a combination of a negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) situation, elevated convective available potential energy (CAPE) values, large-scale lifting, and abundant precipitable water availability in the region was revealed.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research has been supported by the Junta de Extremadura (grant nos. IB20080 and GR24049) and the Ministerio de Universidades (postdoctoral fellowship “Margarita Salas” MS-11).es_ES
dc.publisherEuropean Geosciences Uniones_ES
dc.publisherCopernicus Publicationses_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento CC BYes_ES
dc.subjectNatural hazardses_ES
dc.subjectHistorical descriptiones_ES
dc.titleThe anomalously thundery month of June 1925 in southwest Spain: description and synoptic analysises_ES
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2023-2026

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