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Trends of ozone in the troposphere
Title: Trends of ozone in the troposphere
Authors: Oltmans, Samuel J.Lefohn, Allen S.Scheel, H. E.Harris, J. M.Levy, HiramGalbally, I. E.Brunke, E.-G.Meyer, C. P.Lathrop, J. A.Johnson, B. J.Shadwick, D. S.Cuevas Agulló, Emilio ORCID RESEARCHERID SCOPUSID Autor AEMETSchmidlin, Frank J.Tarasick, D. W.Claude, H.Kerr, James B.Uchino, OsamuMohnen, Volker Armin
Keywords: Tropospheric ozone; Concentrations; Measurements
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Citation: Geophysical Research Letters. 1998, 25(2), p. 139–142
Publisher version:
Abstract: Using a set of selected surface ozone (nine stations) and ozone vertical profile measurements (from six stations), we have documented changes in tropospheric ozone at a number of locations. From two stations at high northern hemisphere (NH) latitudes there has been a significant decline in ozone amounts throughout the troposphere since the early 1980s. At midlatitudes of the NH where data are the most abundant, on the other hand, important regional differences prevail. The two stations in the eastern United States show that changes in ozone concentrations since the early 1970s have been relatively small. At the two sites in Europe, however, ozone amounts increased rapidly into the mid-1980s, but have increased less rapidly (or in some places not at all) since then. Increases at the Japanese ozonesonde station have been largest in the lower troposphere, but have slowed in the recent decade. The tropics are sparsely sampled but do not show significant changes. Small increases are suggested at southern hemisphere (SH) midlatitudes by the two surface data records. In Antarctica large declines in the ozone concentration are noted in the South Pole data, and like those at high latitudes of the NH, seem to parallel the large decreases in the stratosphere.
ISSN: 0094-8276
Appears in Collections:Artículos científicos 1995-1999

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