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Global assessment of sand and dust storms
Título : Global assessment of sand and dust storms
Autor : Shepherd, GemmaTerradellas, EnricAutor AEMETBaklanov, AlexanderKang, UtchangSprigg, WilliamNickovic, SlodobanDarvishi Boloorani, Ali‏Al-Dousari, AliBasart, Sara ORCID Benedetti, AngelaSealy, AndreaTong, DanielZhang, XiaoyeShumake-Guillemot, JoyZhang, KebinKnippertz, PeterMohammed, Abdulkareem A. A.Al-Dabbas, MoutazCheng, LeileiOtani, ShinjiWang, FengZhang, ChengyiRyoo, Sang BoomJoowan, Cha
Palabras clave : Tormentas de arena; Tormentas de polvo; Sand storms; Dust storms
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editor: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Versión del editor: http://www.unep.org/publications/
Resumen : The specific objectives of the assessment are to: 1) Synthesise and highlight the environmental and socio-economic causes and impacts of SDS, as well as available technical measures for their mitigation, at the local, regional and global levels; 2) Show how the mitigation of SDS can yield multiple sustainable development benefits; 3) Synthesize information on current policy responses for mitigating SDS and 4) Present options for an improved strategy for mitigating SDS at the local, regional and global levels, building on existing institutions and agreements.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/4495
ISBN : 978-92-807-3551-2
Colecciones: Estudios / Informes

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