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Proyecto MAR: Un proyecto para el estudio de la capa de ozono en la estratosfera antártica y subantártica
Título : Proyecto MAR: Un proyecto para el estudio de la capa de ozono en la estratosfera antártica y subantártica
Otros títulos : Mar project: a project for monitoring Antarctic and subantarctic ozone layer
Autor : Yela González, MargaritaRodríguez González, Sergio ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETGil-Ojeda, ManuelParrondo Sempere, María ConcepciónPuentedura, OlgaIglesias, JavierCuevas Agulló, Emilio ORCID RESEARCHERID SCOPUSID Autor AEMETTorres, Carlos ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETRedondas, Alberto ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETAraujo, JorgeOchoa, HectorRodríguez, H.Lombardo, M.Diaz, ScarlettDeferrari, GuillermoLakkala, Kaisa
Palabras clave : Ozono estratosférico; Radicales halogenados; Monitorización; Radiación ultravioleta espectral; Espesor óptico de nubes; Radiación fotosintéticamente activa
Fecha de publicación : 2002
Citación : III Asamblea Hispano Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofisica (2002)
Resumen : The co-ordinated Project presented attempts to increase the limited information existing nowadays about the space-time distribution of NO2, O3, OClO constituents and ultraviolet radiation over Antarctic and sub-Antarctica regions. In the framework of projects financed in previous convocations of the CICYT (PNIA) the installation of three spectrometers in the Argentinean bases of Belgrano, Marambio and Ushuaia was carried out (1994) and an ozosondeador in Belgrano (1999) for the INTA as well as the installation of three radiometers for the INM in the same stations (1999) thanks to the existent agreements of scientific collaboration between INTA and DNA/IAA and INM with DNA/IAA. Both networks of instruments, complementary and co-ordinated, will allow to reach the following objectives: To observe and to characterise the space and temporal evolution so much of the O3, NO2 and OClO like of the ultraviolet radiation in those regions during next years, to carry out a dynamic study of the Antarctic polar vortex in which is analysed as the daily evolution of this it affects at the O3, NO2, OClO and spectral UV radiation giving special attention to populated regions of the South Hemisphere (Ushuaia) and to carry out an exhaustive control of quality of the data obtained by the instruments that assure us to be able to use the measures obtained by the same ones to approach studies of tendencies in next years. Independently of the scientific interest of the previously mentioned objectives, under the atmospheric point of view, this project will provide an unique information to other Spanish groups in Antarctic biology research.
Descripción : Ponencia presentada en: 3ª Asamblea Hispano Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofisica, celebrada en Valencia en 2002
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/4813
Colecciones: Otras actas-congresos

Meteorología polar

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