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Column water vapor determination in night period with a lunar photometer prototype
Título : Column water vapor determination in night period with a lunar photometer prototype
Autor : Barreto Velasco, África ORCID RESEARCHERID SCOPUSID Autor AEMETCuevas Agulló, Emilio ORCID RESEARCHERID SCOPUSID Autor AEMETDamiri, BahaiddinRomero Campos, Pedro Miguel ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETAlmansa Rodríguez, Antonio FernandoAutor AEMET
Palabras clave : Vapor de agua; Fotómetro Cimel; Column water vapor; Cimel photometer
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Editor: European Geosciences Union
Citación : Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2013, 6(8), p. 2159-2167
Versión del editor: https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/amt-6-2159-2013
Resumen : In this paper we present the preliminary results of atmospheric column-integrated precipitable water vapor (PWV) obtained with a new Lunar Cimel photometer (LC) at the high mountain Izaña Observatory in the period July–August 2011. We have compared quasi-simultaneous nocturnal PWV from LC with PWV from a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and nighttime radiosondes (RS92). LC data have been calibrated using the Lunar Langley method (LLM). We complemented this comparative study using quasi-simultaneous daytime PWV from Cimel AERONET (CA), GPS and RS92.
Patrocinador: The AERONET sun photometer at Izana has been calibrated within AERONET- ˜ EUROPE TNA supported by the European Community – Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” specific program for Integrating Activities, ACTRIS grant agreement no. 262254.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/499
ISSN : 1867-1381
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2010-2014

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