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The role of vertical wind shear in the great pyrocumulus of Costa del Sol (Málaga, Spain) on 30 August 2012
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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.authorSánchez-Laulhé, José Maríaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCatalina Mimendi, Miguel Ángeles_ES
dc.contributor.authorFraile Laiz, Robertoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorFernández Raga, Maríaes_ES
dc.identifier.citation17th International Conference on Clouds & Precipitation (2017)-
dc.descriptionPoster presentado en el 17th International Conference on Clouds & Precipitation, organizado por International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), en Manchester, UK, durante la semana del 25 al 29 de julio de 2016-
dc.description.abstractOn August 30th, 2012 a disastrous fire was recorded on the Costa del Sol, Spain (1) in a situation of northerly flow at low levels called "Terral". This terral creates an environment of high temperatures, low humidity and strong winds, very favorable to the forest fires spreading to the coast very quickly. During the fire started on August 30th, the NW flow at low levels changed abruptly to a east maritime wind (2) with a behavior of gravity wind and a sudden wind entrance from east (3), and very serious consequences: a sudden change in the speed and the direction of propagation, and in magnitude of the fire (4), which greatly hindered its control. The sharp increase in vertical wind shear that caused the outbreak of the density current (5 and 6) is proposed as an explanation for the extreme fire characteristics (duration, propagation speed and intensity).es_ES
dc.subjectVertical wind sheares_ES
dc.subjectExtreme firees_ES
dc.titleThe role of vertical wind shear in the great pyrocumulus of Costa del Sol (Málaga, Spain) on 30 August 2012es_ES
Colecciones: Otros póster

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