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Título : HCLIM38: a flexible regional climate model applicable for different climate zones from coarse to convection-permitting scales
Fecha de Entrada : 08-05-2020
Descargas y vistasExport
Descargas y vistas por año
Descargas por paises (top 10)
Vistas por paises (top 10)
Descargas por paísExport
Origen Descargas Porc.(%)
United States United States 17,5 35,00
China China 9,5 19,00
AEMET AEMET 4,5 9,00
France France 3,5 7,00
Canada Canada 2,0 4,00
Germany Germany 1,5 3,00
Netherlands Netherlands 1,5 3,00
Romania Romania 1,0 2,00
Spain Spain 1,0 2,00
Russia Russia 1,0 2,00
Brazil Brazil 1,0 2,00
Croatia Croatia 0,5 1,00
Pakistan Pakistan 0,5 1,00
India India 0,5 1,00
Vietnam Vietnam 0,5 1,00
United Kingdom United Kingdom 0,5 1,00
Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 0,5 1,00
Sweden Sweden 0,5 1,00
Taiwan Taiwan 0,5 1,00
Tunisia Tunisia 0,5 1,00
Portugal Portugal 0,5 1,00
South Africa South Africa 0,5 1,00
Colombia Colombia 0,5 1,00
50,0 100,00
Vistas por paísExport
Origen Vistas Porc.(%)
AEMET AEMET 21 20,39
United States United States 21 20,39
Spain Spain 12 11,65
Sweden Sweden 11 10,68
France France 9 8,74
China China 6 5,83
Brazil Brazil 3 2,91
United Kingdom United Kingdom 3 2,91
Netherlands Netherlands 3 2,91
Hungary Hungary 3 2,91
India India 2 1,94
Romania Romania 2 1,94
Finland Finland 1 0,97
Norway Norway 1 0,97
Portugal Portugal 1 0,97
Canada Canada 1 0,97
Australia Australia 1 0,97
Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 1 0,97
Germany Germany 1 0,97
103 100,00
Repositorio Arcimis
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