Número de descargas en el periodo.

Total Año


Año Descargas
2019 766,0
2020 92,0
Descargas por año

Descargas por paísExport
Origen Descargas Porc.(%)
United States United States 607,0 70,75
Germany Germany 78,0 9,09
France France 29,0 3,38
China China 28,0 3,26
Spain Spain 25,0 2,91
Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 17,0 1,98
Netherlands Netherlands 5,0 0,58
Brazil Brazil 5,0 0,58
Hong Kong Hong Kong 5,0 0,58
India India 5,0 0,58
Kenya Kenya 5,0 0,58
United Kingdom United Kingdom 4,0 0,47
Italy Italy 4,0 0,47
Slovak Republic Slovak Republic 3,0 0,35
Malaysia Malaysia 3,0 0,35
Russia Russia 3,0 0,35
Japan Japan 3,0 0,35
Poland Poland 2,0 0,23
Mexico Mexico 2,0 0,23
Colombia Colombia 2,0 0,23
Cuba Cuba 2,0 0,23
Finland Finland 2,0 0,23
Czechia Czechia 2,0 0,23
Taiwan Taiwan 2,0 0,23
Iceland Iceland 1,0 0,12
Thailand Thailand 1,0 0,12
Vietnam Vietnam 1,0 0,12
Australia Australia 1,0 0,12
Indonesia Indonesia 1,0 0,12
Sweden Sweden 1,0 0,12
Iran Iran 1,0 0,12
Argentina Argentina 1,0 0,12
Israel Israel 1,0 0,12
Denmark Denmark 1,0 0,12
Portugal Portugal 1,0 0,12
Switzerland Switzerland 1,0 0,12
Austria Austria 1,0 0,12
Peru Peru 1,0 0,12
AEMET AEMET 1,0 0,12
858,0 100,00

Descargas por paises (top 10)
Repositorio Arcimis
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