Número de descargas en el periodo seleccionado.

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Descargas : 8.828
Promedio por ítem
Items : 9.463
Media de Descargas : 0,9
Descargas en el periodo
Descargas por paísExport
Origen Descargas Porc.(%)
Spain Spain 3.007,3 34,07
United States United States 1.899,7 21,52
Mexico Mexico 743,5 8,42
Germany Germany 389,5 4,41
Colombia Colombia 369,0 4,18
AEMET AEMET 349,0 3,95
Peru Peru 279,5 3,17
Ecuador Ecuador 208,0 2,36
Argentina Argentina 174,5 1,98
Chile Chile 133,5 1,51
China China 127,0 1,44
Russia Russia 100,5 1,14
Cuba Cuba 73,0 0,83
France France 65,5 0,74
Brazil Brazil 62,5 0,71
Guatemala Guatemala 53,0 0,60
United Kingdom United Kingdom 51,5 0,58
Costa Rica Costa Rica 46,0 0,52
Bolivia Bolivia 44,0 0,50
Italy Italy 42,0 0,48
Venezuela Venezuela 37,0 0,42
El Salvador El Salvador 37,0 0,42
Honduras Honduras 34,0 0,39
Canada Canada 31,5 0,36
Bulgaria Bulgaria 28,0 0,32
Netherlands Netherlands 24,0 0,27
Ukraine Ukraine 22,5 0,25
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 22,0 0,25
Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 20,5 0,23
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 17,0 0,19
Uruguay Uruguay 16,5 0,19
Portugal Portugal 16,0 0,18
Iran Iran 15,5 0,18
Poland Poland 14,0 0,16
Ireland Ireland 13,0 0,15
India India 12,5 0,14
Czechia Czechia 10,0 0,11
Panama Panama 10,0 0,11
Romania Romania 8,5 0,10
Switzerland Switzerland 8,0 0,09
Austria Austria 8,0 0,09
Paraguay Paraguay 8,0 0,09
Nicaragua Nicaragua 7,0 0,08
Morocco Morocco 6,3 0,07
Taiwan Taiwan 6,0 0,07
Australia Australia 5,0 0,06
Greece Greece 5,0 0,06
Japan Japan 5,0 0,06
Indonesia Indonesia 5,0 0,06
Belgium Belgium 5,0 0,06
Norway Norway 4,8 0,05
Nigeria Nigeria 4,0 0,05
Sweden Sweden 4,0 0,05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 4,0 0,05
Thailand Thailand 3,5 0,04
Slovenia Slovenia 3,0 0,03
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova 3,0 0,03
Malaysia Malaysia 3,0 0,03
Israel Israel 3,0 0,03
Vietnam Vietnam 3,0 0,03
Algeria Algeria 3,0 0,03
Tanzania Tanzania 3,0 0,03
Andorra Andorra 3,0 0,03
Pakistan Pakistan 3,0 0,03
Belarus Belarus 2,0 0,02
Palestine Palestine 2,0 0,02
South Africa South Africa 2,0 0,02
Uganda Uganda 2,0 0,02
New Zealand New Zealand 2,0 0,02
Finland Finland 1,0 0,01
Estonia Estonia 1,0 0,01
Lebanon Lebanon 1,0 0,01
Mozambique Mozambique 1,0 0,01
Gambia Gambia 1,0 0,01
Republic of Lithuania Republic of Lithuania 1,0 0,01
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 1,0 0,01
Singapore Singapore 1,0 0,01
Turkey Turkey 1,0 0,01
Fiji Fiji 1,0 0,01
Maldives Maldives 1,0 0,01
Cape Verde Cape Verde 1,0 0,01
Iraq Iraq 1,0 0,01
Luxembourg Luxembourg 1,0 0,01
Iceland Iceland 1,0 0,01
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1,0 0,01
8.749,6 99,12
Descargas por paises (top 10)
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