Número de descargas y vistas en el periodo.

Total Año Mes Día

Item Handle
(eg. 1822/417)

Título : Stilling project: advances in the compilation and homogenization of historical wind speed data for the assessment of the stilling phenomenon
Fecha de Entrada : 28-05-2020
Descargas y vistasExport
Descargas y vistas por año
Descargas por paises (top 10)
Vistas por paises (top 10)
Descargas por paísExport
Origen Descargas Porc.(%)
United States United States 16,0 26,23
Spain Spain 14,0 22,95
China China 7,0 11,48
France France 5,0 8,20
Italy Italy 4,0 6,56
AEMET AEMET 2,0 3,28
Iraq Iraq 1,0 1,64
Turkey Turkey 1,0 1,64
Israel Israel 1,0 1,64
Taiwan Taiwan 1,0 1,64
Netherlands Netherlands 1,0 1,64
Latvia Latvia 1,0 1,64
Austria Austria 1,0 1,64
Iran Iran 1,0 1,64
India India 1,0 1,64
Germany Germany 1,0 1,64
Australia Australia 1,0 1,64
Indonesia Indonesia 1,0 1,64
Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 1,0 1,64
61,0 100,00
Vistas por paísExport
Origen Vistas Porc.(%)
United States United States 15 37,50
China China 3 7,50
Spain Spain 3 7,50
Japan Japan 2 5,00
Ireland Ireland 2 5,00
Canada Canada 1 2,50
Sweden Sweden 1 2,50
Bangladesh Bangladesh 1 2,50
Turkey Turkey 1 2,50
Singapore Singapore 1 2,50
Israel Israel 1 2,50
Italy Italy 1 2,50
Latvia Latvia 1 2,50
France France 1 2,50
United Kingdom United Kingdom 1 2,50
Australia Australia 1 2,50
39 97,50
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