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Título : Effect of vertical profile of aerosols on the local shortwave radiative forcing estimation
Fecha de Entrada : 02-02-2021
Descargas y vistasExport
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Descargas por paises (top 10)
Vistas por paises (top 10)
Descargas por paísExport
Origen Descargas Porc.(%)
United States United States 26,0 53,06
China China 8,0 16,33
AEMET AEMET 6,0 12,24
Canada Canada 2,0 4,08
Spain Spain 2,0 4,08
Romania Romania 1,0 2,04
Switzerland Switzerland 1,0 2,04
Russia Russia 1,0 2,04
Iran Iran 1,0 2,04
Germany Germany 1,0 2,04
49,0 100,00
Vistas por paísExport
Origen Vistas Porc.(%)
United States United States 21 40,38
AEMET AEMET 12 23,08
Spain Spain 6 11,54
China China 6 11,54
France France 2 3,85
Russia Russia 1 1,92
Canada Canada 1 1,92
Germany Germany 1 1,92
Iran Iran 1 1,92
51 98,08
Repositorio Arcimis
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