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Título : Tropospheric ozone from IASI: comparison of different inversion algorithms and validation with ozone sondes in the northern middle latitudes
Fecha de Entrada : 14-03-2016
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Vistas por paises (top 10)
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Origen Descargas Porc.(%)
China China 87,0 73,73
Bulgaria Bulgaria 9,0 7,63
United States United States 6,0 5,08
Netherlands Netherlands 1,5 1,27
Germany Germany 1,0 0,85
Morocco Morocco 1,0 0,85
Republic of Lithuania Republic of Lithuania 1,0 0,85
United Kingdom United Kingdom 1,0 0,85
Romania Romania 0,5 0,42
Russia Russia 0,5 0,42
Thailand Thailand 0,5 0,42
Turkey Turkey 0,5 0,42
Taiwan Taiwan 0,5 0,42
Latvia Latvia 0,5 0,42
Belgium Belgium 0,5 0,42
Ivory Coast Ivory Coast 0,5 0,42
Spain Spain 0,5 0,42
India India 0,5 0,42
Australia Australia 0,5 0,42
Nigeria Nigeria 0,5 0,42
Philippines Philippines 0,5 0,42
114,0 96,61
Vistas por paísExport
Origen Vistas Porc.(%)
United States United States 3 75,00
Repositorio Arcimis
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