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2021Multi-laboratory compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the period 1957-2020 [Dataset]Schuldt, Kenneth N.; Mund, John; Laan-Luijkx, Ingrid T. van der, ...
ACP_Tu_2022_compressed.pdf.jpg2022Quantification of CH4 emissions from waste disposal sites near the city of Madrid using ground- and space-based observations of COCCON, TROPOMI and IASITu, Qiansi; Hase, Frank; Schneider, Matthias, ...
Column_Integrated_Water_Vapor.pdf.jpg2020Column integrated water vapor and aerosol load characterization with the new ZEN-R52 radiometerAlmansa Rodríguez, Antonio Fernando; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Barreto Velasco, África, ...
TyC_2022_76 (4).pdf.jpg2022La erupción volcánica de la Palma y sus meteorosGarcía Rodríguez, Omaira Elena; Rey, Fernando; Bullón Miró, Fernando, ...
Izana_Report_2017_18_eng.pdf.jpg2020Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2017-2018Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Milford, Celia; Bustos Seguela, Juan José de, ...
remotesensing-13-00350.pdf.jpg2021Water vapor retrievals from spectral direct irradiance measured with an EKO MS-711 spectroradiometer—intercomparison with Other TechniquesGarcía Cabrera, Rosa Delia; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Cachorro, Victoria E., ...
TyC_2022_76 (3).pdf.jpg2022La erupción volcánica de La Palma y el papel de la Agencia Estatal de MeteorologíaGarcía Rodríguez, Omaira Elena; Suárez Molina, David; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
remotesensing-15-00173-v2.pdf.jpg2023Spectral aerosol radiative forcing and efficiency of the La Palma volcanic plume over the Izaña ObservatoryGarcía Cabrera, Rosa Delia; García Rodríguez, Omaira Elena; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
acp-21-15519-2021.pdf.jpg2021Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory - overview and long-term comparison to other techniquesGarcía Rodríguez, Omaira Elena; Schneider, Matthias; Sepúlveda Hernández, Eliezer, ...
GAW_Report_259_WWRP_2021.pdf.jpg2020Desert dust outbreak in the Canary Islands (February 2020): assessment and impactsCuevas Agulló, Emilio; Milford, Celia; Barreto Velasco, África, ...
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