Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 al 20 de 34
Vista previa | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
 | abr-2019 | Passenger car data – a new source of real-time weather information for nowcasting, forecasting, and road safety | Riede, Hella; Acevedo-Valencia, John Walter; Bouras, A., ... |
 | abr-2019 | Working group on nowcasting and mesoscale research | Roberts, Rita; Steinle, Pete |
 | abr-2019 | MeteoVIAS: Web Application for winter road weather forecasting | García Carrascal, Pedro; Garrido del Pozo, Nieves; Villarino Barrera, Ignacio, ... |
 | abr-2019 | Catastrophic floods on October 9th 2018 in Mallorca Island | Cuevas Tascón, Gabriela; Pascual Berghaenel, Ramón; Roa Alonso, Alejandro, ... |
 | abr-2019 | Nowcasting decalogue: ten essential ideas | Bañón Peregrín, Luis María |
 | abr-2019 | Using lightning data for nowcasting: performance & evaluation | Schmitt, Stephane |
 | abr-2019 | Application of an integrated hydrological nowcasting chain on Liguria Region | Poletti, Maria Laura; Silvestro, Francesco; Davolio, Silvio, ... |
 | abr-2019 | Experiences in using INCA-CH precipitation nowcasting for Urban Flood Nowcasting | Jordan, Frédéric; Buzzi, Matteo; Gianoni, Lorenza, ... |
 | abr-2019 | Precipitation scenarios for hydrology | Moseley, Stephen; Sandford, Caroline |
 | abr-2019 | European Composite of Convection Nowcasting for SESAR Deployment | Turner, Sandra; Moisselin, Jean-Marc; Desbios, Stéphanie |
 | abr-2019 | Aviation operational nowcasting systems | Bazlova, Tatiana; Bocharnikov, N.; Solonin, A. |
 | abr-2019 | Use of radar data for winterly weather warnings at Deutscher Wetterdienst | Böhme, Tim; Steinert, Jörg |
 | abr-2019 | iSHAI and PGE00 key tools for preconvective monitoring and for the preparation of the MTG era | Martínez Rubio, Miguel Ángel; Calbet, Xavier |
 | abr-2019 | Improved motion vectors in rainfall nowcasting using Burgers’ equation | Lee, Gyuwon; Ryu, Soorok |
 | abr-2019 | Latest LAPS developments Assimilating remote sensing data and its impact on LAPS predictability | Spyrou, Christos; Varlas, George; Anagnostou, M., ... |
 | abr-2019 | VISOR: Real time observations visualizer | Gómez, M.; Aguayo Maldonado, Pablo; García Gómez, María Teresa, ... |
 | abr-2019 | Generation of an Object-based Nowcasting Ensemble | Feger, Robert; Werner, Manuel; Posada, Rafael, ... |
 | abr-2019 | Nowcasting wind using machine learning from the stations to the grid | Buzzi, Matteo; Guidicelli, Matteo; Liniger, Mark A. |
 | abr-2019 | Blended probabilistic nowcasting with the IMPROVER post-processing system | Sandford, Caroline; Moseley, Stephen |
 | abr-2019 | Towards a Nowcasting System for Meteorological Services Singapore | Becker, Erik; Sun, Xiangming; Huang, Hans, ... |
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 al 20 de 34