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Resultados 121-130 de 280.
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P20_Ylhaisi_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019First verification results from an analysis-forecast smoother applied at FMIYlhäisi, Jussi; Partio, Mikko; Perttula, Tuuli, ...
P10_Kim_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Improvements of motion vector in variational echo tracking technique by correction of initial guessKim, Kwang-Ho; Jeong, Jong-Hoon; Jung, Sung-Hwa, ...
P06_Posada_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Combination of object-based probabilistic nowcasting and NWP ensemblePosada, Rafael; Feger, Robert; Schultze, Markus, ...
poster-ozone-hole-2006.pdf.jpgabr-2007The record large 2006 Antarctic ozone holeBraathen, Geir; Van der A, R.; Vik, A. Fahre, ...
Poster Triada septiembre.pdf.jpg2016Stability of the RBCC-E Triad during the period 2005 - 2015Redondas, Alberto; León-Luis, Sergio Fabián; Carreño Corbella, Virgilio, ...
P27_Musilova_3ENC2019.pdf.jpgabr-2019Nowcasting for the road maintenance during winter in the Czech Hydrometeorological InstituteMusilová, Lenka; Uhlíková, Tereza
AerosolOpticalDepth_EUBREWNET.pdf.jpg2016Aerosol optical depth in the ultraviolet range: a new product in EUBREWNETLópez Solano, Javier; Carlund, Thomas; Hernández Cruz, Bentorey, ...
Poster_2011_EWGLAM_SRNWP.pdf.jpg2011NWP Activities at the AEMET (Spain): 33rd EWGLAM & 18th SRNWP MeetingGutiérrez Marco, Estrella; Santos Burguete, Carlos; Cansado, Alberto, ...
Impact_Zhang.pdf.jpg2019Impact of near-surface wind speed variability on wind erosion in the eastern agro-pastoral transitional zone of Northern China, 1982-2016 [Póster]Zhang, Gangfeng; Azorín Molina, César; Shi, Peijun, ...
EGUMetConditionsLandslides.pdf.jpg2017Meteorological conditions for the triggering of landslides in Asturias (NW Spain): a preliminary analysis of synoptic patternsValenzuela, Pablo; Iglesias, Miguel; Domínguez Cuesta, María José, ...
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