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prospero1995.pdf.jpg1995Temporal variability of summer-time ozone and aerosols in the free troposphere over the eastern North AtlanticProspero, Joseph M.; Schmitt, Rainer; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
amt-2017-15.pdf.jpg2017Validation of 10-year 1 SAO OMI ozone profile (PROFOZ) product using ozonesonde observations [Discussion paper]Huang, Guanyu; Xiong, Liu; Chance, Kelly, ...
epjconf_ilrc2016_08002.pdf.jpg2016Saharan and arabian dust aerosols: a comparative case study of lidar ratioCórdoba-Jabonero, Carmen; Sabbah, Ismail; Sorribas, Mar, ...
Raes_1997_JGRSE.pdf.jpg1997Observations of aerosols in the free troposphere and marine boundary layer of the subtropical Northeast Atlantic: discussion of processes determining their size distributionRaes, Frank; Van Dingenen, Rita; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
epjconf_ilrc2016_23017.pdf.jpg2016Lidar ratio derived for pure dust aerosols: multi-year micro pulse lidar observations in a Saharan dust-influenced regionCórdoba-Jabonero, Carmen; Adame, José Antonio; Campbell, James R., ...
acpd-14-16641-2014.pdf.jpg2014Aerosol characterization at the Saharan AERONET site Tamanrasset [Discussion paper]Guirado-Fuentes, Carmen; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Cachorro, Victoria E., ...
amt-10-2455-2017.pdf.jpg2017Validation of 10-year 1 SAO OMI ozone profile (PROFOZ) product using ozonesonde observationsHuang, Guanyu; Xiong, Liu; Chance, Kelly, ...
Elias_SP2015_AIP2016accepted.pdf.jpg2016Aerosols attenuating the solar radiation collected by solar tower plants: the horizontal pathway at surface levelElias, Thierry; Ramon, Didier; Dubus, Laurent, ...
PHOTONSAERONET_sunphotometer.pdf.jpg2008PHOTONS/AERONET sunphotometer network overview. Description – Activities - ResultsGoloub, Philippe; Li, Z.; Dubovik, Oleg, ...
amtd-5-5527-2012.pdf.jpg2012A new method for nocturnal aerosol measurements with a lunar photometer prototype [Discussion paper]Barreto Velasco, África; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Damiri, Bahaiddin, ...
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