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Evaluation of Antarctic ozone profiles derived from OMPS LP by using balloon borne ozonesondes
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dc.contributor.authorSepúlveda, Edgardoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCordero, Raul R.es_ES
dc.contributor.authorDamiani, Alessandroes_ES
dc.contributor.authorFeron, Sarahes_ES
dc.contributor.authorPizarro, Jaimees_ES
dc.contributor.authorZamorano, Felixes_ES
dc.contributor.authorKivi, Rigeles_ES
dc.contributor.authorSánchez, Ricardoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorYela González, Margaritaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorJumelet, Julienes_ES
dc.contributor.authorGodoy, Alejandroes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCarrasco, Jorgees_ES
dc.contributor.authorCrespo, Juan S.es_ES
dc.contributor.authorSeckmeyer, Guntheres_ES
dc.contributor.authorJorquera, Jose A.es_ES
dc.contributor.authorCarrera, Juan M.es_ES
dc.contributor.authorValdevenito, Braulioes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCabrera, Sergioes_ES
dc.contributor.authorRedondas, Albertoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorRowe, Penny M.es_ES
dc.identifier.citationScientific Reports. 2021, 11:4288es_ES
dc.description.abstractPredicting radiative forcing due to Antarctic stratospheric ozone recovery requires detecting changes in the ozone vertical distribution. In this endeavor, the Limb Profiler of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS-LP), aboard the Suomi NPP satellite, has played a key role providing ozone profiles over Antarctica since 2011. Here, we compare ozone profiles derived from OMPS-LP data (version 2.5 algorithm) with balloon-borne ozonesondes launched from 8 Antarctic stations over the period 2012–2020. Comparisons focus on the layer from 12.5 to 27.5 km and include ozone profiles retrieved during the Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) event registered in Spring 2019. We found that, over the period December-January–February-March, the root mean square error (RMSE) tends to be larger (about 20%) in the lower stratosphere (12.5–17.5 km) and smaller (about 10%) within higher layers (17.5–27.5 km). During the ozone hole season (September–October–November), RMSE values rise up to 40% within the layer from 12.5 to 22 km. Nevertheless, relative to balloon-borne measurements, the mean bias error of OMPS-derived Antarctic ozone profiles is generally lower than 0.3 ppmv, regardless of the season.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipTe support of the Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH, Preis RT_32-15 and RT_70-18), Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONICYT (Preis FONDECYT 1191932, REDES180158 and CONICYT-DFG-SouthTrac) and Corporación Fomento de la Producción (Preis CORFO 19BP-117358, 18BPE-93920 and 18BPCR-89100) is gratefully acknowledged. Ozone sounding program at Marambio has been supported by the Finnish Antarctic research program (FINNARP).es_ES
dc.publisherNature Researches_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento CC BYes_ES
dc.subjectStratospheric ozone layeres_ES
dc.subjectBalloon-borne dataes_ES
dc.titleEvaluation of Antarctic ozone profiles derived from OMPS LP by using balloon borne ozonesondeses_ES
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2019-2022

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