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Covariability of seasonal temperature and precipitation over the Iberian Peninsula in high-resolution regional climate simulations (1001–2099)
Título : Covariability of seasonal temperature and precipitation over the Iberian Peninsula in high-resolution regional climate simulations (1001–2099)
Autor : Fernández Montes, SoniaGómez Navarro, Juan José ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETSánchez Rodrigo, FernandoGarcía Valero, Juan Andrés ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETMontávez Gómez, Juan Pedro
Palabras clave : Iberian Peninsula; Precipitation-temperature covariability; Mediterranean climate; Seasonal changes; Multidecadal variability
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editor: Elsevier
Citación : Global and Planetary Change. 2017, 151, 122-133
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.09.007
Resumen : Precipitation and surface temperature are interdependent variables, both as a response to atmospheric dynamics and due to intrinsic thermodynamic relationships and feedbacks between them. This study analyzes the covariability of seasonal temperature (T) and precipitation (P) across the Iberian Peninsula (IP) using regional climate paleosimulations for the period 1001–1990, driven by reconstructions of external forcings. Future climate (1990–2099) was simulated according to SRES scenarios A2 and B2. These simulations enable exploring, at high spatial resolution, robust and physically consistent relationships.
Patrocinador: This study was supported by the Spanish government and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the project SPEQ-TRES (CGL2011-29672-C02-02). J.P. Montávez also acknowledges the financial support from Fundacion Seneca (Ref 19640/EE/14).
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/14144
ISSN : 0921-8181
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2015-2018

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