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Wind Forecasting Based on the HARMONIE Model and Adaptive Finite Elements
Título : Wind Forecasting Based on the HARMONIE Model and Adaptive Finite Elements
Autor : Oliver, AlbertRodríguez, EduardoEscobar, José MaríaMontero García, GustavoHortal Reymundo, MarianoAutor AEMETCalvo Sánchez, Francisco Javier ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETCascón, José ManuelMontenegro Armas, Rafael
Palabras clave : Adaptive finite element method; HARMONIE model; Local wind field forecasting; Complex topography; Mass-consistent model; Genetic algorithms
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editor: Springer; Birkhäuser Verlag
Citación : Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2015, 172, p. 109–120
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-014-0913-9
Resumen : In this paper, we introduce a new method for wind field forecasting over complex terrain. The main idea is to use the predictions of the HARMONIE meso-scale model as the input data for an adaptive finite element mass-consistent wind model. The HARMONIE results (obtained with a maximum resolution of about 1 km) are refined in a local scale (about a few metres). An interface between both models is implemented in such a way that the initial wind field is obtained by a suitable interpolation of the HARMONIE results. Genetic algorithms are used to calibrate some parameters of the local wind field model in accordance to the HARMONIE data. In addition, measured data are considered to improve the reliability of the simulations. An automatic tetrahedral mesh generator, based on the meccano method, is applied to adapt the discretization to complex terrains. The main characteristic of the framework is a minimal user intervention. The final goal is to validate our model in several realistic applications on Gran Canaria island, Spain, with some experimental data obtained by the AEMET in their meteorological stations.
Patrocinador: This work has been supported by the Spanish Government, ‘‘Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación’’, Grant Contracts: CGL2011-29396-C03-01 and CGL2011-29396-C03-02, and by ‘‘Junta de Castilla León’’, ‘‘Consejería de Educación’’, Grant Contract SA266A12-2.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11765/14864
ISSN : 0033-4553
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2015-2018

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