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MUSICA MetOp/IASI {H2O,δD} pair retrieval simulations for validating tropospheric moisture pathways in atmospheric models
Title: MUSICA MetOp/IASI {H2O,δD} pair retrieval simulations for validating tropospheric moisture pathways in atmospheric models
Authors: Schneider, Matthias RESEARCHERID Borger, ChristianWiegele, AndreasHase, FrankGarcía Rodríguez, Omaira Elena ORCID RESEARCHERID Autor AEMETSepúlveda Hernández, EliezerWerner, Martin
Keywords: Tropospheric moisture; Atmospheric models; Project MUSICA; Proyecto MUSICA; Humedad troposférica; Modelos atmosféricos
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
Citation: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2017, 10(2), p. 507-525
Publisher version:
Abstract: The characteristics of {H2O,δD} pair space-based remote sensing data depend on the atmospheric and surface conditions, which compromises their usage for model evaluation studies. This paper shows how the problem can be overcome by simulating MUSICA MetOp/IASI {H2O,δD} remote sensing products for any given model atmosphere. The remote sensing retrieval simulator is freely provided as a MATLAB and Python routine.
Sponsorship : This study has been conducted in the framework of the project MUSICA, which is funded by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement number 256961.
ISSN: 1867-1381
Appears in Collections:Artículos científicos 2015-2018

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