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Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 101 al 120 de 252
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s12302-021-00548-1.pdf.jpg2021Short-term associations of air pollution and meteorological variables on the incidence and severity of COVID-19 in Madrid (Spain): a time series studyLinares Gil, Cristina; Belda Esplugues, Fernando; López Bueno, José Antonio, ...
2020GL091883.pdf.jpg2021The climate response to emissions reductions due to COVID-19: initial results from CovidMIPJones, Chris D.; Hickman, Jonathan E.; Rumbold, Steven T., ...
2019_Dominguez-Castro_et_al_Int_J_Climatol.pdf.jpg2019High spatial resolution climatology of drought events for Spain: 1961–2014Domínguez Castro, Fernando; Vicente Serrano, Sergio Martín; Tomas Burguera, Miquel, ...
s12302-021-00542-7.pdf.jpg2021Evolution of the threshold temperature definition of a heat wave vs. evolution of the minimum mortality temperature: a case study in Spain during the 1983–2018 periodLópez Bueno, José Antonio; Follos Pliego, Fernando; Vellón Graña, José Manuel, ...
atmosphere-12-01087.pdf.jpg2021Fire danger harmonization based on the fire weather index for transboundary events between Portugal and SpainAlves, Daniela; Almeida, Miguel; Viegas, Domingos Xavier, ...
BJSTR_M_ID_005667.pdf.jpg2021Spatial variability of COVID-19 first wave severity and transmission intensity in Spain: the influence of meteorological factorsHervella, Beatriz; Luna Rico, Yolanda; Díaz Jiménez, Julio, ...
acp-2021-508.pdf.jpg2021Long-term characterisation of the vertical structure of Saharan dust outbreaks over the Canary Islands using lidar and radiosondes profiles: implications for radiative and cloud processes over the subtropical Atlantic OceanBarreto Velasco, África; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; García Cabrera, Rosa Delia, ...
essd-2021-247.pdf.jpg2021An eleven year record of XCO2 estimates derived from GOSAT measurements using the NASA ACOS version 9 retrieval algorithmTaylor, Thomas E.; O'Dell, Christopher; Crisp, David, ...
2021_MAWScharacterization_Review_20210516.pdf.jpg2021Characterization of the summer surface mesoscale dynamics at Dome F, AntarcticaGonzález Herrero, Sergi; Vasallo, Francisco; Sanz, Pablo, ...
wea.3936.pdf.jpg2021Nowcasting for Africa: advances, potential and valueRoberts, Alexander J.; Fletcher, Jennifer K.; Groves, James, ...
sustainability-13-07042-v2.pdf.jpg2021Evaluation of the tourism climate index in the Canary IslandsAlonso Pérez, Silvia; López Solano, Javier; Rodríguez-Mayor, Lourdes, ...
s12302-021-00512-z.pdf.jpg2021The effect of cold waves on mortality in urban and rural areas of MadridLópez Bueno, José Antonio; Navas-Martín, Miguel Ángel; Díaz Jiménez, Julio, ...
1-s2.0-S0048969720381109-main.pdf.jpg2021Understanding the local and remote source contributions to ambient O3 during a pollution episode using a combination of experimental approaches in the Guadalquivir valley, southern SpainVeld, M. in 't; Carnerero, Cristina; Massagué, Jordi, ...
fmicb-12-670982.pdf.jpg2021Geomicrobiological heterogeneity of lithic habitats in the extreme environment of Antarctic nunataks: a potential early Mars analogFernández-Martínez, Miguel Ángel; García-Villadangos, Miriam; Moreno Paz, Mercedes, ...
joc.7289.pdf.jpg2021Wind stilling-reversal across Sweden: the impact of land-use and large-scale atmospheric circulation changesMinola, Lorenzo; Reese, Heather; Lai, Hui-Wen, ...
1-s2.0-S2666827021000256-main.pdf.jpg2021Convection indicator for pre-tactical air traffic flow management using neural networksJardines, Aniel; Soler, Manuel; Cervantes, Alejandro, ...
joc.7271_2021.pdf.jpg2021Evaluation of statistical downscaling methods for climate change projections over Spain: Present conditions with perfect predictorsHernanz Lázaro, Alfonso; García Valero, Juan Andrés; Domínguez Alonso, Marta, ...
amt-14-4689-2021.pdf.jpg2021The Adaptable 4A Inversion (5AI): description and first XCO2 retrievals from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) observationsDogniaux, Matthieu; Crevoisier, Cyril; Armante, Raymond, ...
A_Decline_Observed.pdf.jpg2021A decline of observed daily peak wind gusts with distinct seasonality in Australia, 1941–2016Azorín Molina, César; McVicar, Tim R.; Guijarro Pastor, José Antonio, ...
Efficiency_Time_Series_Homogenization_ Method Comparison.pdf.jpg2021Efficiency of time series homogenization: method comparison with 12 monthly temperature test datasetsDomonkos, Peter; Guijarro Pastor, José Antonio; Venema, Victor K. C., ...
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 101 al 120 de 252
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