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Tropicalization_7Nov2014.pdf.jpg2017Tropicalization process of the 7 November 2014 mediterranean cyclone: numerical sensitivity studyCarrió Carrió, Diego Saúl; Homar Santaner, Víctor; Jansà Clar, Agustí, ...
1670-4374-2-PB.pdf.jpg2016Regional marine climate scenarios in the NE Atlantic sector close to the Spanish shoresGomis, Damià; Álvarez Fanjul, Enrique; Jordà, Gabriel, ...
acp-18-10615-2018.pdf.jpg2018Status and future of Numerical Atmospheric Aerosol Prediction with a focus on data requirementsBenedetti, Angela; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Baklanov, Alexander, ...
amt-10-2455-2017.pdf.jpg2017Validation of 10-year 1 SAO OMI ozone profile (PROFOZ) product using ozonesonde observationsHuang, Guanyu; Xiong, Liu; Chance, Kelly, ...
amt-11-4981-2018.pdf.jpg2018Evaluation of MUSICA IASI tropospheric water vapour profiles using theoretical error assessments and comparisons to GRUAN Vaisala RS92 measurementsBorger, Christian; Schneider, Matthias; Ertl, Benjamin, ...
c069p079.pdf.jpg2016Impact of weather type variability on winter precipitation, temperature and annual snowpack in the Spanish PyreneesBuisán Sanz, Samuel Tomás; López Moreno, Juan Ignacio; Saz Sánchez, Miguel Ángel, ...
acp-2018-1315.pdf.jpg2018Improved Retrievals of Carbon Dioxide from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 with the version 8 ACOS algorithmO'Dell, Christopher; Eldering, Annmarie; Wennberg, Paul O., ...
temporalSpatial_AtmosEnvir2018.pdf.jpg2018Temporal and spatial variability of atmospheric particle number size distributions across SpainAlonso Blanco, Elisabeth; Gómez Moreno, Francisco Javier; Artíñano, Begoña, ...
gmd-11-2139-2018.pdf.jpg2018Comparison of observed and modeled cloud-free longwave downward radiation (2010–2016) at the high mountain BSRN Izaña stationGarcía Cabrera, Rosa Delia; Barreto Velasco, África; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
Fernandez-Gonzalez_et_al-2015-JGR.pdf.jpg2015Numerical simulations of snowfall events: sensitivity analysis of physical parameterizationsFernández-González, Sergio; Valero Rodríguez, Francisco; Sánchez Gómez, José Luis, ...
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