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Climatology of near-surface wind speed from observational, reanalysis and high-resolution regional climate model data over the Tibetan Plateau
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dc.contributor.authorMinola, Lorenzoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Gangfenges_ES
dc.contributor.authorOu, Tinghaies_ES
dc.contributor.authorKukulies, Juliaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCurio, Juliaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorGuijarro Pastor, José Antonioes_ES
dc.contributor.authorDeng, Kaiqianges_ES
dc.contributor.authorAzorín Molina, Césares_ES
dc.contributor.authorShen, Chenges_ES
dc.contributor.authorPezzoli, Alessandroes_ES
dc.contributor.authorChen, Delianges_ES
dc.identifier.citationClimate Dynamics. 2023es_ES
dc.description.abstractAs near-surface wind speed plays a role in regulating surface evaporation and thus the hydrological cycle, it is crucial to explore its spatio-temporal characteristics. However, in-situ measurements are scarce over the Tibetan Plateau, limiting the understanding of wind speed climate across this high-elevation region. This study explores the climatology of near-surface wind speed over the Tibetan Plateau by using for the frst time homogenized observations together with reanalysis products and regional climate model simulations. Measuring stations across the center and the west of the plateau are at higher elevations and display higher mean and standard deviation, confrming that wind speed increases with increasing altitude. By exploring wind characteristics with a focus on seasonal cycle through cluster analysis, three regions of distinct wind regimes can be identifed: (1) the central Tibetan Plateau, characterized by high elevation; (2) the eastern and the peripheral areas of the plateau; and (3) the Qaidam basin, a topographic depression strongly infuenced by the blocking efect of the surrounding mountainous terrain. Notably, the ERA5 reanalysis, with its improvements in horizontal, vertical, and temporal spacing, model physics and data assimilation, demonstrates closer agreement to the measured wind conditions than its predecessor ERA-Interim. It successfully reproduces the three identifed wind regimes. However, the newest ERA5-Land product does not show improvements compared to ERA5, most likely because they share most of the parametrizations. Furthermore, the two dynamical downscalings of ERA5 analyzed here fail to capture the observed wind statistics and exhibit notable biases and discrepancies also when investigating the diurnal variations. Consequently, these high-resolution downscaling products do not show add value in reproducing the observed climatology of wind speed compared to ERA5 over the Tibetan Plateau.es_ES
dc.rightsLicencia CC: Reconocimiento CC BYes_ES
dc.subjectWind speedes_ES
dc.subjectECMWF reanalysises_ES
dc.subjectTibetan Plateaues_ES
dc.subjectWRF downscalinges_ES
dc.titleClimatology of near-surface wind speed from observational, reanalysis and high-resolution regional climate model data over the Tibetan Plateaues_ES
Colecciones: Artículos científicos 2023-2026

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