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Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 al 20 de 47
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
EGU_Toledano_2023.pdf.jpg2023LIME: Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA, a new tool for the absolute radiometric calibration using the MoonToledano, Carlos; Taylor, Sarah; Barreto Velasco, África, ...
AMT_Monica_2023.pdf.jpg2023Evaluation of “on site” calibration procedures for sun-sky photometers [Discussion paper]Campanelli, Monica; Estellés Leal, Víctor; Kumar, Gaurav, ...
EGU_Robin_2023.pdf.jpg2023Intercomparison of long-term ground-based measurements of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone at Lauder, New Zealand (45S)Björklund, Robin; Vigouroux, Corinne; Effertz, Peter, ...
MJM_Alvarez_2021.pdf.jpg2021On a Class of Linear Cooperative Systems with Spatio-temporal Degenerate PotentialsÁlvarez Caudevilla, Pablo; Belinchón Martín, Fernando; Brandle Cerquiera, Cristina
MA_Backer_2001.pdf.jpg2001Comparison of measured and modelled uv indices for the assessment of health risksBacker, Hugo de; Koepke, Peter; Bais, Alkiviadis F., ...
AR_Homar_PostPrint-2003.pdf.jpg2003Tornadoes over complex terrain: an analysis of the 28th August 1999 tornadic event in eastern SpainHomar Santaner, Víctor; Gayá, Miguel; Romero, Romualdo, ...
Esferules_de_pols_eolica_un_tipus_peculiar_de_depo.pdf.jpg2000Esferules de pols eólica, un tipus peculiar de deposició seca a la ciutat de Palma (Mallorca)Fiol Mora, Lluís Antoni; Guijarro Pastor, José Antonio
Aplicacion_Procesos_Fernandez.pdf.jpg2003Aplicación de los procesos sinópticos objetivos a la península ibérica en otoñoFernández García, Antonio de Jesús; Martín-Vide, Javier; Díaz Pérez, Yosvanis Armando, ...
Optimum_Interpolation_Analysis.pdf.jpg2003Optimum interpolation analysis method for snow depthCansado, Alberto; Navascués, Beatriz
On_the_use_of_GPS.pdf.jpg2000The use of GPS to validate NWP systems: the HIRLAM modelCucurull, Lidia; Navascués, Beatriz; Ruffini, G., ...
1999GL010811.pdf.jpg2000Match observations in the Arctic winter 1996/97: High stratospheric ozone loss rates correlate with low temperatures deep inside the polar vortexSchultz, Martin G.; Rex, Markus; Steger, J., ...
mwr2820.1.pdf.jpg2004Performance of HIRLAM in a semiarid heterogeneous region: evaluation of the land surface and boundary layer description using EFEDA observationsJochum, Anne M.; Rodríguez Camino, Ernesto; Bruin, Hendrik A. R. de, ...
003816.pdf.jpg2002A multi-instrument approach for characterizing the atmospheric aerosol optical thickness during the STAAARTE/DAISEX-99 campaignMartínez Lozano, José Antonio; Pedrós, Roberto; Flamant, Cyrille, ...
Bermejo_Conservative.pdf.jpg2002A conservative quasi-monotone semi-Lagrangian schemeBermejo, Rodolfo; Conde Criado, Justo
Time_Modeling_UVB_Values.pdf.jpg2000Time modeling of daily UVB values in Madrid, SpainGarcía-Herrera, Ricardo; Cisneros Sanchiz, Juan María; Hernández Martín, E., ...
reclim02d.pdf.jpg2002Base de datos de ciclones a partir de análisis objetivos del CEPPM: similitudes y diferencias entre el Mediterráneo occidental y orientalGil, Victoria; Genovés, Ana; Picornell, María Ángeles, ...
joan_ijc_2000.pdf.jpg2000A catalogue and a classification of surface cyclones for the Western MediterraneanCampins, Joan; Genovés, Ana; Jansà Clar, Agustí, ...
acpd-4-5261-2004.pdf.jpg2004Subtropical trace gas profiles determined by ground-based FTIR spectroscopy at Izaña (28° N, 16° W): Five-year record, error analysis, and comparison with 3-D CTMs [Discussion paper]Schneider, Matthias; Blumenstock, Thomas; Chipperfield, Martyn P., ...
Sensitivity_the_Northern_Hemisphere_blocking.pdf.jpg2002Sensitivity of the Northern Hemisphere blocking frequency to the detection indexDoblas-Reyes, Francisco Javier; Casado Calle, María Jesús; Pastor Saavedra, María Asunción
ParodiComp_Algorithm_Soil.pdf.jpg2003Comparison of two algorithms to simulate the efect of soil moisture freezing and thawing on the energy balanceParodi, José Antonio; Rodríguez Camino, Ernesto; Navascués, Beatriz
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 al 20 de 47
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