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Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 21 al 40 de 102
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
adgeo-7-73-2006.pdf.jpg2006Heavy rain and strong wind events and cyclones in the BalearicsCampins, Joan; Jansà Clar, Agustí; Genovés, Ana
Aerosolradiative.pdf.jpg2007Aerosol radiative forcing efficiency in the UV region over southeastern Mediterranean: VELETA2002 campaignDíaz Rodríguez, Ana María; García Rodríguez, Omaira Elena; Díaz González, Juan Pedro, ...
Intercomparison of spectroradiometers and Sun photometers.pdf.jpg2006Intercomparison of spectroradiometers and Sun photometers for the determination of the aerosol optical depth during the VELETA-2002 field campaignEstellés Leal, Víctor; Utrillas, María Pilar; Martínez Lozano, José Antonio, ...
asr-2-71-2008.pdf.jpg2008Splitting of the middle layer of LPW SAFNWC/MSG satellite product in order to improve the monitoring of pre-convective environmentsCuevas Tascón, Gabriela; Martínez Rubio, Miguel Ángel; Velázquez Pérez, Mercedes, ...
Revista_Mercator_FT_2009_21.PDF.jpg2009Introducción de un factor de mapa Mercator variable en la formulación espectral del modelo HARMONIEMartínez Marco, Isabel; Santos Atienza, Inés
CIBA2008_FT2009_21.pdf.jpg2009CIBA2008, una campaña experimental de la capa límite atmosférica: resultados nocturnos preliminaresYagüe, Carlos; Sastre, Mariano; Maqueda Burgos, Gregorio, ...
Recent_floods_Espejo.pdf.jpg2009Recent floods in the Middle Ebro River, Spain: hydrometeorological aspects and floodplain management [Discussion paper]Domenech Zueco, Sergio; Espejo Gil, Francisco; Ollero, Alfredo, ...
African_Querol.pdf.jpg2009African dust influence on ambient PM levels in South-Western Europe (Spain and Portugal): a quantitative approach to support implementation of Air Quality DirectivesQuerol, Xavier; Alastuey, Andrés; Pey, Jorge, ...
Dust_modelling.pdf.jpg2009Dust modelling and forecasting in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center: activities and developmentsPérez García-Pando, Carlos; Baldasano, José María; Jiménez Guerrero, Pedro, ...
SEVIRI_Martinez_IOP.pdf.jpg2009Use of SEVIRI images and derived products in a WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning SystemMartínez Rubio, Miguel Ángel; Ruiz, J.; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio
angeo-26-401-2008.pdf.jpg2008Comparison of GOME total ozone data with ground data from the Spanish Brewer spectroradiometersAntón, Manuel; Loyola, Diego; Navascués, Beatriz, ...
2009bams2776.1.pdf.jpg2009MAP D-PHASE: real-time demonstration of weather forecast quality in the Alpine RegionRotach, Mathias W.; Ambrosetti, Paolo; Ament, Felix, ...
npg-16-599-2009.pdf.jpg2009Application of a GOY model to atmospheric boundary layer dataVindel, José María; Yagüe, Carlos
Lopez Bartolome et al Validation.pdf.jpg2009Validation of OMI-TOMS and OMI-DOAS total ozone column using five Brewer spectroradiometers at the Iberian peninsulaAntón, Manuel; López, M.; Vilaplana Guerrero, José Manuel, ...
acpd-9-26653-2009.pdf.jpg2009Atmospheric observation-based global SF6 emissions – comparison of top-down and bottom-up estimates [Discussion paper]Levin, Ingerborg; Naegler, Tobias; Heinz, R., ...
Regional_improvement_Luna.pdf.jpg2006Regional improvement of global reanalyses by means of a new long-term Mediterranean hindcasted precipitation dataset: a first study over the Iberian PeninsulaSotillo, Marcos G.; Martín Pérez, María Luisa; Valero Rodríguez, Francisco, ...
acpd-9-11441-2009.pdf.jpg2009Tropospheric ozone from IASI: comparison of different inversion algorithms and validation with ozone sondes in the northern middle latitudes [Discussion paper]Keim, Corneli; Eremenko, Maxim; Orphal, Johannes, ...
acpd-8-4977-2008.pdf.jpg2008Quality assessment of O3 profiles measured by a state-of-the-art ground-based FTIR observing system [Discussion paper]Schneider, Matthias; Hase, Frank; Blumenstock, Thomas, ...
acpd-9-10913-2009.pdf.jpg2009Atmospheric nanoparticle observations in the low free troposphere during upward orographic flows at Izaña Mountain Observatory [Discussion paper]Rodríguez González, Sergio; González Ramos, Yenny; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
acpd-9-7707-2009.pdf.jpg2009Aerosol characterization in Northern Africa, Northeastern Atlantic, Mediterranean Basin and Middle East from direct-sun AERONET observations [Discussion paper]Basart, Sara; Pérez García-Pando, Carlos; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio, ...
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 21 al 40 de 102
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