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Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 101 al 120 de 203
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
Simarro_qrms_138.pdf.jpg2012A semi-implicit non-hydrostatic dynamical kernel using finite elements in the vertical discretizationSimarro Grande, Juan Pablo; Hortal Reymundo, Mariano
29-3-2017_A non-hydr.pdf.jpgjun-2013A non-hydrostatic global spectral dynamical core using a height-based vertical coordinateSimarro Grande, Juan Pablo; Homar Santaner, Víctor; Simarro, Gonzalo
homSwindspeed.pdf.jpg2014Homogenization of spanish mean wind speed monthly seriesGuijarro Pastor, José Antonio
fiolLA13.pdf.jpg2013Quimisme de 17 pluges de fang al terme municipal de Palma (Mallorca)Fiol Mora, Lluís Antoni; Guijarro Pastor, José Antonio
atmosferaylasestrellas_CansadoAuria.pdf.jpg2012La atmósfera y las estrellas. Las relaciones entre meteorología y astronomíaCansado, Alberto
Rodriguez-Franco_2013-JGRA.pdf.jpg2013Characteristics of the subtropical tropopause region based on long-term highly resolved sonde records over TenerifeRodríguez Franco, Juan José; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio
Risi_2012-JGRSE(2).pdf.jpg2012Process-evaluation of tropospheric humidity simulated by general circulation models using water vapor isotopic observations: 2. Using isotopic diagnostics to understand the mid and upper tropospheric moist bias in the tropics and subtropicsRisi, Camille; Noone, David; Worden, John, ...
Risi_2012-JGRSE.pdf.jpg2012Process-evaluation of tropospheric humidity simulated by general circulation models using water vapor isotopologues: 1. Comparison between models and observationsRisi, Camille; Noone, David; Worden, John, ...
Garcia_2011-JGRSE.pdf.jpg2011Radiative forcing under mixed aerosol conditionsGarcía Rodríguez, Omaira Elena; Expósito González, Francisco Javier; Díaz González, Juan Pedro, ...
Chevallier_2010-JGRSE.pdf.jpg2010CO2 surface fluxes at grid point scale estimated from a global 21 year reanalysis of atmospheric measurementsChevallier, Frédéric; Ciais, Philippe; Conway, T. J., ...
Campmany_et_al_2010.pdf.jpg2010A comparison of total precipitable water measurements from radiosonde and sunphotometersCampmany, Elies; Bech, Joan; Rodríguez Marcos, Francisco Javier, ...
EC-EARTH_BAMS_2010.pdf.jpg2010EC-Earth: A Seamless Earth-System Prediction Approach in ActionHazeleger, Wilco; Severijns, Camiel; Semmler, Tido, ...
2010BAMS2958.pdf.jpg2010An Environmental Watch System for the Andean Countries: El Observatorio AndinoMuñoz, Ángel G.; López Carmona, Manuel Patricio; Velázquez, Manuel, ...
7tethys-04-cas.pdf.jpg2010Accidentes de montaña asociados a flujos del norte invernales en el Pirineo MediterráneoPascual Berghaenel, Ramón; Callado Pallarés, Alfons
2014_JAMC-D-12-0337.pdf.jpg2014Atmospheric motion vectors from model simulations. Part II: Interpretation as spatial and vertical averages of wind and role of cloudsHernández Carrascal, Ángeles; Bormann, Niels
2014_JAMC-D-12-0336.pdf.jpg2014Atmospheric motion vectors from model simulations. Part I: Methods and characterization as single-level estimates of windBormann, Niels; Hernández Carrascal, Ángeles; Borde, Régis, ...
AtmosRes2014_Jesus.pdf.jpg2014Regimes of intense precipitation in the Spanish Mediterranean areaRiesco Martín, Jesús; Mora García, Manuel Antonio; Pablo Dávila, Fernando de, ...
Ana Genoves_tsonevski_et_al_2010.pdf.jpg2010Atmospheric patterns for heavy precipitation in BulgariaTsonevsky, Ivan; Campins, Joan; Genovés, Ana, ...
adgeo-26-119-2010.pdf.jpg2010Probabilistic prediction of raw and BMA calibrated AEMET-SREPS: the 24 of January 2009 extreme wind event in CatalunyaEscribà, Pau; Callado Pallarés, Alfons; Santos Burguete, Carlos, ...
adgeo-26-133-2011.pdf.jpg2011Performance of multi-model AEMET-SREPS precipitation probabilistic forecasts over Mediterranean areaCallado Pallarés, Alfons; Santos Burguete, Carlos; Escribà, Pau, ...
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 101 al 120 de 203
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