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Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 al 20 de 203
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4dvar_oops_dameet.pdf.jpgabr-2024OOPS Limited Area 4DVAR [Presentación]Escribà, Pau; Barkmeijer, Jan; Lindskog, Magnus, ...
asm2024_marianowcasting.pdf.jpgabr-2024HARMONIE-AROME nowcasting suite at AEMETDíez Muyo, María Victoria; Calvo Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Pérez de Gracia, José María
ASW2024_GomenzAleman.pdf.jpgabr-2024Evaluating sub-km simulations for high-impact convective activity under DE On Demand ExtremesGonzález-Alemán, Juan Jesús; Calvo Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Martín Pérez, Daniel, ...
15IWWG_JavierGarciaPereda_PresentationShort.pdf.jpg2021NWCSAF/High Resolution Winds AMV Software for Geostationary and Polar satellites Status in 2021García Pereda, Javier; Håkansson, Nina
16IWWG_JavierGarciaPereda_Presentation_final.pdf.jpg2023NWCSAF/High Resolution Winds AMV Software for Geostationary and Polar satellites Status in 2023García Pereda, Javier; Håkansson, Nina; Hörnquist, Sara
Ceres_Scales_Ground_Validation.pdf.jpg2006Ceres Scales Ground Validation Campaigns for Gerb. Assessment of the Valencia Anchor Station CapabilitiesLópez Baeza, Ernesto; Velázquez Blázquez, Almudena; Alonso, Susana, ...
diez_maria_seviri_satelliteobs.pdf.jpgmar-2023Operational use of SEVIRI and other satellite enhancements at AEMETCampins, Joan; Díez Muyo, María Victoria; Navascués, Beatriz, ...
exploringsubhourda.pdf.jpgmar-2023Exploring UA-DA at Sub-Hourly Cycling Frequency with the HARMONIE-AROME SystemGeijo, Carlos
PresentacionAEMET-FMoran_MiguelAngel.pdf.jpg2022Francisco Morán Samaniego: meteorología y física del aire en la España del siglo XX [Miguel Ángel García Couto]García Couto, Miguel Ángel
PresentacionAEMET-FMoran_AlejandroMendez.pdf.jpg2022Francisco Morán Samaniego: meteorología y física del aire en la España del siglo XX [Alejandro Méndez Frades]Méndez Frades, Alejandro
PresentacionAEMET-FMoran _ManuelPalomares.pdf.jpg2022Francisco Morán Samaniego: meteorología y física del aire en la España del siglo XX [Manuel Palomares Calderón]Palomares Calderón de la Barca, Manuel
VHR_HARMONIE_AROME_EWGLAM22_JJGA.pdf.jpgsep-2022Testing very high-resolution simulations in HARMONIE-AROMEGonzález-Alemán, Juan Jesús; Viana Jiménez, Samuel; Calvo Sánchez, Francisco Javier, ...
2022-asw-egleeson_Dani.pdf.jpgabr-2022A mini tour of HARMONIE AROME physicsGleeson, Emily; Morales Martín, Gema; Martín Pérez, Daniel
2022-asw-viana_shapkalijevski.pdf.jpgabr-2022On the effects of the RSL parameterization in ISBA-MEB: OFFLINE vs ONLINE couplingViana Jiménez, Samuel; Shapkalijevski, Metodija M.
2022-asw-rontuetal_Dani.pdf.jpgabr-2022Helsinki aerosol studiesRontu, Laura; Sekula, Piotr; Šljivić, Ana, ...
2022-asw-harmonie-arome4dvar_asm2022_Jana.pdf.jpgabr-2022HARMONIE-AROME 4DVar [Presentación]Sánchez Arriola, Jana; Barkmeijer, Jan; Lindskog, Magnus, ...
John_Poster_Eumetnet_2.pdf.jpg2020A first try of neural networks with the method of Bernstein Polynomials for the Calibration of Temperature in 5 airports of SpainQuintero Plaza, David
Nowcasting_2022_c.pdf.jpgmar-2022On the challenge of precipitation nowcasting in the Canary IslandsQuintero Plaza, David
EWCloud_DQP.pdf.jpg10-nov-2021Precipitation nowcasting in the Canary Islands with deep learning tools at EWCloudQuintero Plaza, David
c_srnwp_eumetnet_dqp_compressed.pdf.jpg30-sep-2021A First Nowcasting System for the Complex Orography of the Canary IslandsQuintero Plaza, David
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 al 20 de 203
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