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Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 221 al 240 de 252
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
Bolgiani_et_al-2020-JCR__Atmospheres.pdf.jpg2020Simulation of atmospheric microbursts using a numerical mesoscale model at high spatiotemporal resolutionBolgiani, Pedro; Fernández-González, Sergio; Valero Rodríguez, Francisco, ...
2019The Post-SPICE (2015/2016 and 2016/2017) Winter Precipitation Intercomparison Data [Dataset]Smith, Craig D.; Ross, Amber; Kochendorfer, John, ...
Ground_based_Journal_Glaciology.pdf.jpg2019Ground-based remote-sensing techniques for diagnosis of the current state and recent evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, Spanish PyreneesLópez Moreno, Juan Ignacio; Alonso-González, E.; Monserrat, Oriol, ...
ATMOS_104865.pdf.jpg2020Analysis of sounding derived parameters and application to severe weather events in the Canary IslandsSuárez Molina, David; Fernández-González, Sergio; Suárez González, Juan Carlos, ...
amt-2019-467.pdf.jpg2019Characterization of an EKO MS-711 spectroradiometer: aerosol retrieval from spectral direct irradiance measurements and corrections of the circumsolar radiation [Discussion paper]García Cabrera, Rosa Delia; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Barreto Velasco, África, ...
atmosphere-11-00023-v2.pdf.jpg2020Impacts of desert dust outbreaks on air quality in urban areasMilford, Celia; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Marrero, Carlos, ...
asr-16-157-2019.pdf.jpg2019Web-based decision support toolbox for Spanish reservoirsVoces Aboy, José; Abia Llera, Inmaculada; Sánchez García, Eroteida, ...
asr-16-165-2019.pdf.jpg2019Regionally improved seasonal forecast of precipitation through Best estimation of winter NAOSánchez García, Eroteida; Voces Aboy, José; Navascués, Beatriz, ...
Rapid_changes_AtmosEnviron_2019.pdf.jpg2019Rapid changes of dust geochemistry in the Saharan Air Layer linked to sources and meteorologyRodríguez González, Sergio; Calzolai, Giulia; Chiari, Massimo, ...
bams-d-19-0110.1.pdf.jpg2019Weather observations of remote polar areas using an AWS onboard a unique zero-emissions polar vehicleGonzález Herrero, Sergi; Bañón García, Manuel; Albero Molina, José Vicente, ...
Feki_SAFRAN_2019.pdf.jpg2019The SAFRAN daily gridded precipitation product in Tunisia (1979-2015)Feki, Haifa; Tramblay, Yves; Quintana Seguí, Pere, ...
asr-16-191-2019.pdf.jpg2019Development of an empirical model for seasonal forecasting over the MediterraneanRodríguez Guisado, Esteban; Serrano de la Torre, Antonio Ángel; Sánchez García, Eroteida, ...
HA_NL_07_2019_CGG.pdf.jpg2019Modelling flow-dependent covariances with Gaussian IntegralsGeijo, Carlos
acp-19-10497-2019.pdf.jpg2019Large contribution of meteorological factors to inter-decadal changes in regional aerosol optical depthChe, Huizheng; Gui, Ke; Xia, Xiangao, ...
amt-12-4309-2019.pdf.jpg2019Aerosol optical depth comparison between GAW-PFR and AERONET-Cimel radiometers from long-term (2005–2015) 1 min synchronous measurementsCuevas Agulló, Emilio; Romero Campos, Pedro Miguel; Kouremeti, Natalia, ...
amt-12-5979-2019.pdf.jpg2019TCCON and NDACC XCO measurements: difference, discussion and applicationZhou, Minqiang; Langerock, Bavo; Vigouroux, Corinne, ...
acp-19-11843-2019.pdf.jpg2019Spatial distribution of aerosol microphysical and optical properties and direct radiative effect from the China Aerosol Remote Sensing NetworkChe, Huizheng; Xia, Xiangao; Zhao, Hujia, ...
Emergencias-2019_31_3_161-166.pdf.jpg2019Impacto de la exposición a la calima del polvo del Sáhara en los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda atendidos en un servicio de urgenciasDomínguez Rodríguez, Alberto; Baez Ferrer, Néstor; Rodríguez González, Sergio, ...
nhess-19-611-2019.pdf.jpg2019High-spatial-resolution probability maps of drought duration and magnitude across SpainDomínguez Castro, Fernando; Vicente Serrano, Sergio Martín; Tomas Burguera, Miquel, ...
remotesensing-11-01034-v2.pdf.jpg2019Decoupling between precipitation processes and mountain wave induced circulations observed with a vertically pointing K-band Doppler radarGonzález Herrero, Sergi; Bech, Joan; Udina, Mireia, ...
Items de colecciones (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 221 al 240 de 252
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